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Authoritarian parenting: Good or bad?

Authoritarian parenting

If you have high expectation of maturity in your child at an early age and if you raise your child with a punitive approach under an authoritative tone, this is for you. There is a section of society that argues authoritarian parenting as an effective method in raising the child. Let us have a quick insight into this area which had been a topic for debate for quite a while now.

Authoritarian parenting: The essence

International forums have had prolonged discussions and arguments regarding this topic. A section of society that argues Authoritarian parenting has good advantages, shows the following reasons.

1. Enhances safety

There are a few parents who found that authoritarian parenting enhances their child’s safety .In fact it is sometimes very advantageous. This objective was found to be obtained if parents set a systematic time table and confined set of rules, the kid is supposed to follow. In some places, student mentoring proved fruitful in helping the student to decide and chose between good and bad wisely. Similarly this kind of parenting style proves to be effective to some extent . It showcases how mistakes can never be repeated.

2. Better parenting

Understanding and firmness are an integral part of authoritative parents. Better relationship can be established between parents and children, while keeping up the affirming high levels of thumb rules and anticipations. This poised posture aids parents to efficaciously deal with unmanageable children.

3. Clear goals

Exercising authoritarian parenting, demands the fixing of clean and unbiased rules to regulate the conduct of the kids. The rules may be conciliatory, based on a child’s disposition. Kids with these parents are thus, mindful of what they are expected to do, cutting down the probabilities of mistakes.There is hardly any room for arguments in these house holds.

4. Responsible citizens

Kids raised by authoritative parents become highly responsible citizens, when they grow up. They are aware that freedom has limitations and thus, they will not think of doing any mistakes.

5. Disciplined life

Kids raised in this manner have had history of leading a well disciplined and a healthy life and were found to have a longer life span.

Authoritarian parenting: The criticism

Stern parenting tricks kids out of the chances to interiorize self-check and think about their duty. Studies reveal that even though the kid is temporarily controlled, harsh treatment can lead to dangerous consequences on the long run.

1. No one lies to be bossed around

Self discipline in a kid must start out of his own acceptance and decisions of what is good and what is bad but not to be forced upon . No one likes to be bossed around. Same is the case with the kids. Treat them with love and affection.

2. Based on fear

Kids learn to bully if you continue to use the same strategy in raising them. It is because they learn what you teach them. If you shout at them and demand things, they do the same. If you are compassionate, soft and willing to hear out things, they grow into well mannered adults.

3. Anger and depression

It can be seen in kids who are raised with punitive approach. This is dangerous because they tend to put themselves in a negative frame of mind, thinking that a part of their personality is not acceptable and parents hate them. They feel lonely and depressed.

4. They become weak and submissive

Even though kids learn to obey their parent’s orders due to sheer power, there may arise a situation they become submissive even when the situation demands them to be authoritative.They hate to take up responsibilities and often tend to escape themselves by saying that they were merely following orders.

5. Authoritarian Parenting sabotages the parent-child relationship.

Parents who tend to be punitive and over protective must show some love and affection towards the kids. In the later stages of life as in teenage, kids no longer feel the need to please you. So strict parenting often tend to be infectious to kids as they avoid parents and look for love at the wrong age and the wrong place.

To put the matter in a nutshell, strictness does not work in creating better-behaved kids. In fact, it destroys everything positive we do as parents and disables children in their efforts to develop emotionally self-disciplined.

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