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Advantages of underground housing

Advantages of underground housing

The concept of underground housing has been gaining popularity recently. Nobody ever dreamt of being able to build fully functional and fabulous houses down below the earth. The fact is that you can enjoy a lot of benefits while using these houses. Many professional architects have built several underground houses that serve as models to show the world that they are enjoying various benefits. Let us find out about the numerous benefits of underground housing:

1. Contribute in a positive manner

The need for protecting the environment is very important. People who are environmentally conscious are building houses underground for various reasons like energy saving, limiting the visual impact, preserving the green space, using the land efficiently, for environmental benefits and for conserving wood. The heating and cooling effects offered by nature under the ground can help you to save about 60-85 percent on fossil fuel. By building homes underground you are preserving the green land above that can be used for constructive purposes like garden, agriculture, parks etc. Land that is otherwise unusable like the slopes etc can be effectively used for building homes inside. And most importantly, you will require less wood for the construction. So you will be saving the trees too.

2. Increased safety

One of the major concerns of the people is safety. Different kinds of devices are used for increasing the safety everywhere, in offices, homes and other public and private spaces. When you are living in underground homes there is more safety when compared to the normal houses on the ground. Such houses are usually earthquake resistant, protected from fire, intruders and there is no possibility of freezing too. The walls of these homes are constructed with strong rocks, stone or reinforced concrete that are resistant to fire. So the house can be safe form fire damages. Similarly, such houses can protect you from many types of natural disasters and other man-made dangers like nuclear fallout. Even in the coldest environment, the temperature inside will not be less than 50 degrees.

3. Reduce overall maintenance

When your home is located underground, you will be free from certain maintenance jobs like cleaning gutters, painting etc. So you can enjoy a lot of free time. Since the roof is the ground, the natural landscape takes care of it. The materials used for underground housing are not subject to harsh climatic conditions and hence require no or very little maintenance. Apart from that the house is totally protected from all kinds of natural elements. The overall maintenance cost is very less when compared to the normal houses.

4. Decor and style

Due to the popularity and benefits of underground housing, people are engaged in making different kinds of buildings underground that can be used as offices and other commercial purposes. You can choose from a wide variety of styles and decor according to your budget. There are many architecture firms that are specialized in building such underground homes. You can consult them and use effective plans that are suitable to your personal choice. Most of the homes built have used green materials to protect the environment. Eco friendly underground houses help you to conserve a lot of energy and reduce your energy consumption bills too.

While there are still many misconceptions about the underground houses, many people have been able to dismiss them and prove that they are beneficial and more functional than the homes above the ground. Most of these homes are known for their structural integrity and safety. Though the initial costs of building such houses are more, the overall energy savings, tax benefits and incentives outweigh the huge initial expenditure. When built properly you can actually utilize the natural lighting facilities to light up the homes. Use of proper ventilation systems can result in well ventilated homes.

Underground houses are still a strange idea for most of the people. But they are likely to encourage and support the idea when they realize all the advantages associated with underground housing.

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