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£650,000 Barcombe village hall to be a beacon of sustainability

barcombe village hall

Satellite Architects, the London-based architectural firm hopes to make the best use of the green field site in erecting a sustainable village hall in Barcombe, East Sussex. The £650,000 village hall, once it’s complete, will replace the existing village hall with some incorporated eco-friendly practices. The architects have cracked down on supplying it with climate control and low maintenance.

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The 375sq m project will be erected on a green field site and will include a clubroom, a main hall and a stage area. The stage area can double up as a crèche. The green features take account of a south facing solar façade and green roofs. Almost wholly made in timber and glass, the green building will be naturally ventilated and will employ noise reduction too.

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barcombe village hall 2

Via: Satellite Architects

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