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September 2009

Luxuriantly green American log homes for newlyweds!

After walking down the aisle, folks normally fall for the most expensive hotels and costly tour packages to make their honeymoon a real memorable one. However, luxury never lies in spending huge bucks on not-so-green lodgings. Instead, if you go…

Cloud Nine

PlanetSolar introduces solar cells to its green catamaran

SunPower Corp., a solar panel manufacturer has proclaimed that it will lend its solar cells a next-generation catamaran made by Geneva, Switzerland-based PlanetSolar. Presently under construction, SunPower’s high-efficiency solar cells will power…

CFL to replace traditional bulbs, leading to a greener UK

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of UK has made ways to replace 100-watt and frosted incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient alternatives such as compact florescent lamps from yesterday. Working toward attaining their…

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