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September 2009

Recycling old bras is fast developing into a charitable trend!

Just a week after I told you about the Wacol’s successful bra-recycling campaign, a Formby lingerie shop owner, Wendy Hughes is urging all to recycle their old bras if they don’t need them anymore. While you help stop bras stacking the landfills,…

Recycled electronic parts turned into unique clocks

Are you an admirer of innovation and intelligence? If yes, then you really need to check out what Larry Smith has to display. The clockmaker from south-central Mississippi has created interestingly designed clocks using recycled electronic parts and..

Top 10 eco-friendly luxury yachts

To go green on the blue waters, the best time-tested option seems to be sailing by the power of wind. But unfortunately, in today’s fast-paced luxurious world, this doesn’t look feasible for most of us. If you have always though of luxurious green…

Recycled Fischer Turntable Clock for green audiophiles

Lest your old turntable catches rust and makes environment tainted, it’s better to let it appear as graceful as it was earlier. Aiming literally at the same, the Recycled Fischer Turntable Clock is made from an old turntable and a Doobie Brothers’..

Pedal-powered Sidewinder to bartend you on wheels

If you have a penchant for fast food and want bartenders to serve you while on the go, you will definitely appreciate Joshua Robinson and his pedal-powered wagon dubbed as Sidewinder. Working with his father Kirk on the project, Joshua supplies his…

Mitsubishi Electric Corp. to install a huge solar farm in space

Harvesting solar power from space through orbiting solar farms sounds extremely interesting. Mitsubishi Electric Corp., a manufacturer of solar panels, has decided to join an AUD $25 billion Japanese project to construct a massive solar farm in space.

Mining goes easy as solar-powered hammer hits the anvil

Abraham Maslow, the great American philosopher and thinker, had once said, “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.”

Maybe, providing a solution to all problems related to pulverization of stones for…

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