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16 Tips for ‘green’ pregnancy

If you are an expecting mother, it is imperative for you to look after not just your diet or exercise regime but also your immediate surroundings, since the health of your unborn child rests majorly on the kind of environment you live in. Owing to the same reason, the concept of ‘green pregnancy’ is finding a lot many takers these days. Even though the idea may seem simple in theory, adopting it into your routine in practical terms may turn out to be way more difficult than envisaged. So here is a list of things that you can take care of as you decide to go green while you are pregnant.

1. Go organic

Over a period of time, advanced farming methods have been adopted by farmers, involving the use of more and more chemicals for growing crops such as cereals, fruits as well as vegetables. These chemicals contain toxins that ultimately find their way into our system, as we consume food items that have been heavily sprayed with pesticides, and give way to various health hazards. Therefore, you must opt for organically grown food items that are completely safe for both you and your unborn child as they contain little or no chemicals. And if you feel going organic may cost you a bomb, you can limit your organic food consumption primarily to meat and milk products and to delicate fruits such as peaches, strawberries etc, since most often, fruits as these are most heavily sprayed with chemicals.

2. Peel it off

In case organic vegetables and fruits are not readily available to you, you may also opt for those fruits and vegetables that need to be peeled before consumption, such as oranges, watermelons, eggplant, sweet peas, corn etc. By peeling the vegetables and fruits, you can easily get rid of their chemical contaminated skins.

3. Choose the right cookware

Did you know that non-stick pans pose a serious threat to the health of you and your unborn child’s health? The non-stick coating made of Teflon releases carcinogenic chemicals into the food when it is heated to high temperatures. Therefore it is advised that you use cookware made up of materials like stainless steel, iron, copper etc and steer clear of any health disorders.

4. Avoid bottled water

Most of us think that bottled water is always the safest bet. However, the fact is that most of the plastic bottles contain a substance called BPA which gets released into the water that is stored in them. The chemical is a known hormone disruptor which may create complications in your pregnancy. Instead of plastic bottles, you may use steel bottles and use fresh filtered water to keep your water clean and chemical free.

5. Use BPA free bottles

Before you buy feeding bottles or sipper cups for your baby, make sure that they are BPA free bottles. BPA is known to cause cancer in children and in any case should be kept away from them as much as possible.

6. Reduce the use of plastic

As mentioned above, plastics contain BPA, a chemical that causes cancer. So you must also make sure that you do not put any plastic containers into your microwave to heat up food, as the toxins may get released into your food. Instead, go for glass or dish ware which are both safe to use.

7. Clean without chemicals

Be careful while buying cleaning products as most of them contain chemicals that may give way to various illnesses. Instead, opt for simple, chemical-free home remedies such as vinegar and baking soda to serve the same purpose.

8. Go outdoors

According to a research, the air inside your house may be much more dirty than the air outside because of the chemicals you use in your house for cleaning, furnishing etc. Especially when you are expecting a baby, it is recommended that you open your windows and let in some fresh air into your home for at least 10 minutes a day.

9. Use zero-VOC paints

Before you go ahead and paint your child’s nursery, do remember to use a no-VOC paint. VOCs stand for Volatile Organic Compounds, which are the chemicals that get released into the air after you paint your house with a normal paint. No-VOC paints do not release chemicals into the air and are thus, safer. Also, remember to paint your child’s room several months in advance so that you get ample time to air out the room.

10. Buy used children’s gear

VOCs are not only found in paints but also in a number of household furnishings, including that for your child’s nursery. The newer the product, the greater the amount of VOCs it will have. If buying environmentally friendly furnishings seems heavy on your pocket, you can opt for used furnishings that will not release any more VOCs.

11. Create a no-toxin crib

Considering that babies spend a considerable amount of time sleeping in their cribs, it becomes all the more important for you as a mother to ensure that your child’s crib is equally safe. Use a toxin free mattress that does not contain any flame retardants, a known toxin often linked with ADD and autism. You may even use organic padding placed over the normal mattress to ensure your child’s safety.

12. Barefoot while indoors

While you are inside your home, it is recommended that you take off your shoes to avoid contaminating your house and the floor with dirt or chemicals from outside. And considering that your little one might want to crawl on the floor, it would be a good idea to maintain floor hygiene.

13. Use organic beauty products

It is a fact that our skin absorbs almost 60 percent of what we put onto it. And thinking about the fact that the products we use don’t just stop there but find their way down the drains and into the food chain back again, it is important that we use products that do not harm the environment. Always buy products that are certified by the USDA as being organic and chemical free.

14. Use organic materials

It is alarming to know that even though cotton is a widely popular material when it comes to clothing or bedding, it is also one of the most heavily sprayed crops. Highly carcinogenic pesticides such as cyanide and propargite are used in the production of cotton, and therefore it is better to opt for alternative materials that are more environment friendly.

15. Use re-usable carry bags

The arrival of a baby means numerous trips to the supermarket. So, whether you are still expecting the arrival of your child or are already cuddling up to your bundle of joy, remember to keep re-usable jute bags handy so that you don’t end up piling up those hazardous plastic bags in your dumpster.

16. Buy Eco-friendly products

Women always have the primary buying decision in a home and if you truly wish to go ‘green’ then always opt for environmentally friendly products. Not only will it help you in keeping your environment clean, but also, it will promote sustainable development on a greater scale.

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