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12 Parent worries not to stress over

Parenting is a huge responsibility and many of us are anxious about taking it up. To add to the woes you have other life areas to cope with like your career, marriage, social life, etc. It is easy to get nervous about having a child and feel overwhelmed. But, this should not keep you away from experiencing the joys of parenthood. Do not to spend most of your time fretting and worrying after you have children. Instead chart a plan to tackle the problems. Given are some useful pointers that will help you tackle parenting stress.

1. I don’t have time

Juggling parenting with other tasks requires you to plan adeptly. So plan your day in advance and be organized. Make an achievable list of all things you need to do, prioritize all tasks in the list and give them distinct time slots.

2. Losing temper

Children are not always well behaved but this should not make you lose your cool. If you do get angry, try some tricks like breathing exercises and sports to gain composure. There is always a trigger for anger, try to isolate the situation or behavior that makes you angry. Once you have identified the pattern, talk to your child and try to resolve the issue.

3. Too many things to do

Firstly, make sure that you do not waste time and use any spare time you get diligently. Also, don’t try to do everything yourself. Involve children and husband in household chores. Get external help from friends, grandparents, babysitters, etc when you don’t have time.

4. Cannot get along with my child

The phase when children grow up is even more intimidating as they start to make their own life choices. This might not always be in sync with yours but don’t worry endlessly about losing touch with them. Parenting becomes really easy when you bond well with your children. Family time is very important; play games, go hiking, read out bedtime stories, etc. Be appreciative of each other and focus on quality time.

5. Exhaustion

If you stay tired all the time then it becomes very difficult to look after all your life’s undertakings. Eat healthy, get enough sleep and stay energetic to tackle all parenting challenges. Make sure you don’t skip meals, have a wholesome filling breakfast, drink enough water and consume limited amount of caffeine.

6. Burnouts are intimidating

While you give so much time to other tasks in your life, why not take time out for yourself too. Get a relaxing massage, go out with friends, plan a romantic dinner with your hubby, etc. All these are great stress busters and will give you renewed energy to deal with parenting challenges.

7. Financial woes

Getting worried sick about financials will not solve the problem for you. Just keep faith that you will be able to meet expenses as your salary will increase and there will be external help from scholarships. Start a savings fund early on for your child.

8. Clean bill of health

Anxiety regarding your child’s health can cause tremendous stress. Fear regarding your child developing autism, diseases, cancer is futile. Look around, most of the children are born healthy and happy. To cut down on the stress, get a good family doctor right from the time you are pregnant. Engaging a doctor who knows in detail about you and your child’s health history will help to ease the strain.

9. Environmental Damage

You just don’t think the planet has capacity enough to accommodate life. Everything we eat and live in has been polluted by hazardous waste and chemicals. Chill out, globally humankind is working on all solutions to tackle future catastrophes.

10. I can’t face my mistakes

Perfection has its own set of drawbacks. Do not panic about not being the best parent. Just like any other sphere of your life, you cannot be perfect at parenting either. So learn to accept and let go of your mistakes. Take aid of books, websites, or a therapist.

11. What if

You cannot protect your child from everything and calling the world a bad place is not the solution. There will be highs and lows in life; just do your best and the rest will take care of itself. Practice self talk and reason with yourself if you stay anxious all the time.

12. In case things get too tough

Don’t spend too much time stressing about a situation when things will get out of control. If something like that does happen, there will surely be a way out. Try to get support by taking help from a counselor. Talk out your tensions and worries with people you trust.

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