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11 Tips to help new single parents

When only one parent is responsible for raising a child or children it is termed as ‘Single Parenting’ which is not an easy task. You have to handle two jobs at the same time of being a providing father as well as a caring and sympathetic mother. There are quite a few issues related to the various stages of single parenting and a new single parent faces several challenges. There will be a considerable number of things that you will be doing for the first time in your life. You might be required to take a few decisions which, perhaps, you had never wanted to consider before. Here are a few practical tips that can help you overcome the hurdles.

1. Build up a support network

Building a strong support system is very crucial for a single parent. This will enable you to figure out who all can assist you and whom you can rely on, during critical moments. This network generally comprises your friends and family members. But, there can be other people in your life who can be a part of this support group. These can be your considerate colleagues and neighbors. Start by listing down the names of the people who can be a part of your support group. You can also think about becoming a part of an official support group for single parents.

2. Plan out some time for yourself

Psychologists believe that single parenting can be a stressful task and thus, requires managing self-behavior and emotions. So, it is very important for you to give some time to yourself. This is because time being a powerful tool, will help you in reducing stress and coping with the new situation. The time spent for yourself will enable you to have hope and gain perseverance. It is necessary for the new single parents to allocate small slots of time for themselves. You can think and ponder during your solitude. This is the best and every single parent should follow it.

3. Think out of the box

Your responsibilities as a single parent might make it impossible to take out time for yourself. You can innovative ways to do so.For instance, wake up before the household does and swap with your neighbors or friends the babysitting timings.

4. Be emotionally present with your kids

You might desire to be all alone and become oblivious to the world at such moments. But, this is the time when your children need you the most. So, ensure that you are emotionally present with them. This can be achieved by a few simple activities. A brief walk together and some simple games will convey to your children that you will be with them throughout their lives.

5. Take control of the situation

It might happen that you will be lured in making some speedy decisions regarding your finances. But, always remember that hasty steps taken regarding vital issues can be quite dangerous. Get an idea of your financial position and collect all the essential documents, so that, later on,when you will be emotionally strong and ready you can take the right decisions.

6. Expressing your feelings of sadness

For physical and emotional health, it is very important for you to express your sadness. You can meet a friend or a well wisher and cry your heart out. If this is not possible, try writing down your thoughts in a diary or journal.

7. Be attentive to your health

This is a phase of life when you will feel exhausted and frustrated. You can overcome this predicament by eating healthy food. This might be a bit difficult, considering your state of mind, but you need to make a conscious effort. For instance, you can opt for a walk instead of having a cup of coffee during your lunch time. Getting ample rest and sleep is imperative for healing. So, you need to get proper sleep. Avoid watching the TV at night and retire to bed early.

8. Recognize the sources from where you get strength

Try to remember how you had coped with critical issues and challenges earlier and then, use those strategies in the new situation.

9. Let go

As you proceed through the single parenting phase, keep reflecting on your decisions, preferences, habits and strategies which have, either worked out or failed. Change those, which have not been fruitful.

10. Focus on the positive

Cherish the things which are going well. Consider this phase to be a new change in your life. Keep a positive attitude and it will empower and take you a long way.

11. Do not hesitate to ask for help

This is the most difficult thing to do . But, remember that here are several single parents around. Also, there are people who would be ready to help you out.

Single parenting is, undoubtedly, a difficult phase and requires a lot of emotional strength. You need to be energetic as well. Only then, you will be able to provide the same support to your child or children, as they also need you fully in coping with the new situation .

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