Spinal fusion

Spinal fusion surgery is performed to treat the diseased conditions related to the spine by fusing and joining two or more vertebrae, which immobilizes them. This restriction of movement will eliminate pain and other symptoms.
Spinal Fusion

Why is it needed?

Done mostly at the lumbar vertebrae, the surgery is advised to treat the back pain or neurological deficit which has not responded to conservative treatment. This includes



Facts and figures

Preoperative Preparation

  • Complete physical examination
  • Blood and urinalysis
  • ECG and chest X-ray
  • Consult with the surgeon week prior and get the correct medicinal prescriptions.
  • Inform the surgeon about smoking and alcohol habits.
  • Plan for leave from work and domestic help at home.
  • Medical tourists are advised to wear comfortable clothes and to select a handicap-accessible hotel room for recovery after getting a discharge from the hospital

Post operative care

  • Most patients are required to stay at the hospital on medications for 4-6 days and fed through IV for 2-3 days after the operation.
  • The spine needs to be kept in the right position to maintain alignment for a few days. The drainage tube will be removed within 2-3 days post-surgery.
  • In physiotherapy, the patient will be trained on how to sit, stand, and walk wearing a back brace to ensure proper healing.
Spine Precaution


  • Take medicines and Perform exercises as prescribed by the surgeon and physiotherapist respectively.
  • Keep the incision area dry and clean.
  • Avoid strenuous activities for at least 6-8 months