
Why is it needed?
- Blurry or cloudy vision
- Colors appear faded
- Glare from lamps, headlights, and sunlight might appear extremely bright
- Night vision poor
- Multiple or double images seen in one eye
- Frequent changes in prescription of contact lenses or eyeglasses
- Age – usually, people after 40 develop a cataract
- Eye Trauma
- Ultraviolet light exposure
- Systemic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes
- Extreme nearsightedness, chronic inflammation, eye surgeries
- Congenital cataracts
Facts and Figures
- The non-adjustable band surgery was done by surgeons Peloso and Wilkinson by open surgery in 1978
- The adjustable band was developed by pioneers such as Dr. Lubomyr Kuzmak and other bio-engineers, scientists and surgeons
- In 1992, the surgeon Cadiere first inserted an adjustable band through a laparoscope
- Celebrities who have undergone the procedure for obesity are:
- Khaliah Ali, Muhammad Ali’s daughter
- Fern Britton
- Anne Diamond
- Brian Dennehy
- Golfer John Daly
Lasik surgery
Lasik surgery is performed to correct hyperopia, myopia, and astigmatism. A highly specialized laser is used to reshape the cornea. This improves vision and reduces/eliminates the need for corrective eyewear. The surgery is done only on patients aged 18 years or more.
Why is it needed?
Conditions in which Lasik surgery is prescribed:
- Myopia, short-sightedness or near-sightedness
- Hyperopia, far-sightedness or long-sightedness
- Lasik corrects most cases of hyperopia (farsightedness), myopia (nearsightedness), and astigmatism
- Lasik is painless and takes only 10-15 minutes
- Results achieved in a single procedure
- Surgery improves vision as well as the quality of life
- Sometimes, the poor result of Lasik may result in vision problems, such as halos and glare
- Eye dryness
- Patients above 45 might require reading glasses
Facts and figures
- Lasik was developed by Dr. Ioannis Pallikaris, in 1991
- Approx 9 million Lasik surgeries have been carried out in the US since 1995
- More than 700,000 Lasik surgeries are performed every year, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (2009)
- Eyeglasses are preferred by most people to cure the refractive error
Risk and Complications
- Scarring and corneal infection
- Misshapen cornea
- Decreased distance vision at high altitudes
- The patient can’t wear contact lenses
- Loss of vision
- Contrast sensitivity decreases
Preoperative Preparation
- Patients who wear soft contacts have to stop using them for 5-21 pre-surgery
- Full eye exam
- Inform about previous eye treatment or surgery. Find out the list of medicines allowed before surgery
- Stop smoking. Inform surgeon about alcohol and smoking habits
- Use eye drops on time, every day, as prescribed
- Arrange work-leave, help at home post-surgery as well as help with driving
- No eating or drinking after midnight before the surgery
- Medical tourists should book a comfortable hotel room to recuperate post-surgery
Post operative care
- After surgery, eye shield or patch is put to protect the eye, and also to prevent touching and rubbing of the eye
- The patient has to wear dark glasses outside
- Blurry vision, burning, itching of the eye can occur immediately post-surgery
Filtration surgery
Filtration surgery is performed to treat open-angle glaucoma. It is also known as ‘trabeculectomy’. Glaucoma is termed as the diseases which affect the optic nerve and if left untreated, can lead to blindness.
Glaucoma is usually characterized by the increased IOP or intraocular pressure of the eye. The procedure is performed as a measure to avoid loss of vision, by lowering the intraocular pressure. Surgery cannot reverse or improve vision loss.
Why is it needed?
- Filtration surgery is performed medication fails to reduce IOP, and surgery helps in the prevention of further damage to the optic nerve
- In the early stage, glaucoma has no signs and symptoms
Symptoms in a later stage are
- Loss of peripheral vision
- Inability or difficulty to adjust the vision in darkened rooms, and focusing too close on work
- Headache
- Seeing halos or rainbow-colored rings around lights
- If a person experiences the above symptoms, it means that irreversible and severe damage has happened already to the eyes.
Facts and Figures
- According to WHO, Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness. Around 10% of people lose their sight even after treatment
- An estimated 3.7 million people are affected globally by Glaucoma. In the US, 1-2% population suffer from Glaucoma
- Early diagnosis is the only option right now, as there is no cure for Glaucoma
- About 2% of the population aged between 40-50 and 8% above 70 have elevated IOP
Preoperative Preparation
- Full eye exam
- Get a list of allowed medicines. Inform about previous eye surgery or treatment
- Inform about allergies, smoking, alcohol habits
- Put drops in eye prescribed by the surgeon for 2 days before the procedure
- Arrange leave
- Arrange caregiver for home and driving
- Medical tourist should select a hotel room near the clinic/hospital
Post operative care
- Surgery success depends on conjunctival healing, so surgeon instructions must be followed strictly after the surgery
- The eye is taped shut and covered after surgery. This bandage is opened after 24 hours