

  • Definition: Physiotherapy treats disease, injury or deformity by using physical methods such as heat treatment, massage and exercise
  • Physiotherapists can improve chronic pain, injury and daily functions
  • Doctors refer patients to physiotherapists after surgeries such as hip replacement, stroke or heart attack
  • Three different titles used for physiotherapy are physical therapy, kinesiotherapy and physiotherapy

Why is it needed?

Those who require prevention and rehabilitation due to:

  • Back and neck pain caused due to problems in skeleton and muscles
  • Asthma and other lung problems
  • Disability due to heart problems
  • Bowel and bladder problems after childbirth
  • Those who lose mobility due to trauma to the spine or brain or diseases like multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s
  • Pain, swelling, stiffness, fatigue, loss of muscle strength during cancer treatment

Facts and Figures

  • Hippocrates and Galen us are believed to have used physiotherapy methods such as massages, hydrotherapy and manual therapy in 460 BC
  • Physiotherapy was established by Canadian physicians after World War 1 to help patients recover their earlier physical features
  • Physiotherapy can treat Vertigo
  • Physiotherapists have mastery over a huge range of muscles and bones of the musculoskeletal system which is more than 840 muscles, 220 nerves and between 206 to 270 bones and more

What to expect from a physiotherapy session

Every Physiotherapy session is unique. usually this is what happens:

  • The physiotherapist will ask about your medical history
  • Your condition will be assessed and diagnosed
  • You will get a treatment plan which sets out outcome goals for you
  • You are given a set of exercises and sometimes assistive these devices are required


  • Reduced pain
  • No Surgery
  • Improvement in mobility
  • Manage diabetes
  • Manage women’s health
  • Strengthen weakened parts of body
  • Promotes fitness and good health


  • Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Lack of outcome
  • Psycho-emotional issues
  • Physiotherapy can be very expensive.
  • Age barrier
  • Limited equipment

Pre session preparation

  • Inform the physiotherapist about your symptoms, how long they last, when they started and when you were doing when they start
  • Give list of medication or supplements you are taking for any medical procedure or surgeries that you had
  • Inform about alcohol or smoking habits
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Bring comfortable clothes
  • Medical tourists should select a hotel near the hospital/clinic

Post session care

  • Hydrate
  • Stretch to get rid of soreness in muscles
  • Ice the swelling or inflamed area for about 10-15 minutes
  • Maintain food intake diary and record weight loss
  • Do strictly follow the diet regime prescribed