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Vertical Farms: Can architectural design save the world from starvation?

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With the global population ballooning, we have no other option but to rely upon vertical farming in the future. To feed 80% of the world’s population, which apparently would be living in urban areas by 2050, more land is definitely required to grow food crops. However, land is scarce and it will not be possible to depend upon the old traditional practices.

Right now, we can see vertical farming as a viable solution, if not the ultimate panacea. Many vertical farms have been made in the past and many upcoming projects are on the list. The Pyramid Vertical Farm is one of those futuristic concepts designed by professors Eric Ellingsen and Dickson Despommier.

Vertical Farm Concepts

The Pyramid Vertical Farm is a complete ecosystem capable of producing fish and poultry while reusing the internal waste.
Hydroponics is one method that has made vertical farming more attractive. It is a method of growing plants with mineral nutrients without the presence of soil. It not only prevents the risk of soil erosion, but also maintains the natural state of the environment. It is cheaper than the soil gardening processes and protects the plant from bacteria and pathogens. Plants that are grown hydroponically do not require herbicides and pesticides to grow as required in traditional farming. The system provides both constant temperature and light to maximize the crop yield. The pH of water while using the conventional farming is maintained for the crops to get a higher yield but using this technology pH is tested regularly with the addition of acid when necessary. This results in improved plant health and the crop produced is highly nutritious. Hence, hydroponics leads to cost effective production, which involves higher quality products, higher growth of crops, weed control, automatic watering and feeding, extended growth seasons, clean products and reduces crop management labor cost.


Certain crops like tomatoes, cucumbers, hot peppers and lettuce are grown periodically, but with the hydroponic technique they can be grown yearly. Similarly, the vegetables that are grown only in winter or the short growing season can be produced yearly.


The Dragonfly Vertical farm to be built in New York will have 28 different agricultural fields for production of fruits, grains, vegetables, meat and other crops.
The diagram below shows the New York City before and after the vertical farm:

ecoeng041 vertfarm fig1

Seattle- based Mithun has designed the 23- story vertical farm structure on the triangle intersection of 9th Avenue and Olive Way. The architectural design includes 1.35 acres of crops, a chicken farm and in-house cafe and includes more than 300 residences. In addition to this, it reuses the water and energy from rainwater and gray water collection. Architect Gordon Graff has designed a 48-floor vertical farm for Toronto, which can feed 35,000 people per year. There are many other vertical farm concepts cropping up that have the potential to feed thousands of people.

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