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First trimester of pregnancy: Things to consider

First trimester of pregnancy

Mood swings during the first trimester of pregnancy is quiet common. This happens primarily due to hormonal changes taking place inside your body. The chemical reactions affect the neutron-transmitter levels, to make you feel depressed or gloomy at times. However, it is important to overcome the situation as the mood swings may end up damaging your relationship with the baby’s father ,besides taking a toll on your health. Keeping such considerations in mind, here are some tips to stay healthy during the early stages of pregnancy.

Practice yoga and exercise to bust the stress levels

Stress is a common factor during the first trimester of pregnancy. Stress leads to sleeplessness, poor appetite, anxiety, fatigue and causes a plethora of different headache and backaches. Your body becomes resistant to heart and infectious diseases. However, a little effort on your part is all it takes to get rid of such stress symptoms. For best results, apply a combinative strategy of spiritual and emotional intelligence. It would be advisable to exercise as frequently as possible. However, make sure that the exercise regime does not take a toll on your overall state of health. Additionally, women in the early stages of pregnancy are also advised to keep a check on their temper. By controlling mental stability, you will be able to bust the stress effectively without necessarily impairing the prospects of growth.


Consult a doctor for vaginal bleeding during pregnancy

A majority of women in their first trimester experience vaginal bleeding. The condition stems from a variety of factors, each different in nature and implications. The bleeding takes place primarily when the mother to be is suffering from cervix abnormalities such as polyp growth or ulceration. In extreme situations, it may lead to termination of pregnancy. Additionally, conditions such as vesicular mole or ectopic gestation may also come into play here. The best thing to do is to consult the physician right away before things take a turn for the worse. Moreover, you should be careful about the hygienic conditions at home. Even the hospital you are visiting, should be in a proper state so far as cleanliness or hygiene is concerned.


Fight cramps through simple strategies

Cramps are quiet common in the first few weeks of pregnancy. At times, these are almost synonymic to period symptoms in nature and feel. Cramps are nothing to feel overtly worried about. However, in order to combat the situation effectively, there are a few important solutions worth considering. In the first place, if the condition gets too severe, try taking pain relief medicines. But, be sure to consult the doctor before you do so. Secondly, for treating regular cramps, use heat pads on the lower belly area each time the pain surfaces. Thirdly, it would be advisable to take ample rest. The remedy has been around for quiet some time now with proven effects on reduction of cramp pains.


Get in shape

The moment your doctor informs you of the pregnancy, start making plans to get “in shape”. People with a normal weight at the time of pregnancy detection should try and get between 26 and 30 pounds. Additionally, be sure not to gain extra weight during the first twenty weeks. Since, you will be on a diet regime, try and limit the margin of weight gain to not more than ten pounds. In the first trimester, women are not generally required to consume extra calories over and above the average general in take. Hence, refrain from getting overweight.


Take ample of rest

There is no alternative to rest and sleep for best results during the first trimester. A minimum of eight hours sleep is a must for all ladies in the early pregnancy phase. Sleeping position also plays a crucial role here. You should be on your back while sleeping with legs resting on a raised cushion.


Be extra cautious while traveling

If you are a working woman, then you may need to travel even during the first trimester. Contrary to popular belief, travelling during pregnancy is perfectly normal provided that you take all the necessary precautions. Start by packing a healthy and nutritional food box for the journey. It is essential for pregnant women to take food at frequent intervals. On the same note, wear comfortable clothing while travelling.


Exercise regularly

Exercising is one of the most important keys to a safe and healthy pregnancy. A good exercise regime manages the heart, controls weight gain and prepares you for the delivery and labor. Moreover, it does so in a manner that is not detrimental to the health of the mother and baby. You can start with activities like weight training and running before maturing to bigger and tougher regimes. However, refrain from trying out activities where the possibility of a slip and fall remains high. Rollerblading, cycling, skiing or horse activities are few such activities that you should avoid. Walking is among the most recommended of cardiovascular activities during pregnancy. You can jog and walk all through the first trimester without jarring the ankles and knees.


Avoid alcohol and cigarettes

Put the cigarette and bottles of alcohol away, the moment you get to know about your pregnancy. While several studies may indicate the relative safety of wine consumption during pregnancy, you should do your best to avoid alcohol, especially with the baby inside. If the cravings are just too strong to ignore, consider taking red wine.


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