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How to make treasure box

All of us have the habit of collecting the things we like and adore. Children have a habit of picking up many things from different places ranging from parks, gardens, neighbourhoods to the backyard of their own house. These special things are kept with care in a jewelry box and so a handy treasure box created with popsicles can make a great box to store their special treasured items.

Difficulty Level


Resources Required

1. Newspaper (which can be used to cover the area you will work on )

2. Popsicles ( can be of any colour combination )

3. Glue

4. Additional decorations

5. Large beads made of wood – 5

6. Paint ( only if you require it )


1. Space

Your first step should be searching for a place where you can work undisturbed until your treasure box is complete.

2. Painting the popsicles

If you have popsicle sticks that are not coloured then olour them using the paint of your choice. Paint one side and allow it to dry completely before you start painting the other side. If you already have coloured popsicles then you can skip this step.

3. Base

Take nine popsicles, place them side by side next to each other and then stick them with a school glue. Then take two popsicles and fix one horzontally on the top and the other at the bottom. This will make suthe nine popsicles stick to each other. This will form the base of your treasure box.

4. Top

Repeat the above step toform the top of the treasure box but make a small change. Place the horizontal popsicles towards the centre so that the box can close and the lid will also fit better.

5. Height

Take the base part and begin with sticking a popsicle at the bottom and on top. Take popsicle sticks and fix them vertically along the sides of the base part. Fix the popsicle sticks along the top and the bottom and also along the sides, alternatively. You can keep doing this until you reach the desired height you want the box to be. Six to nine layers of this is fine but that depends on what you or your child wants to keep in this. If the objects take more space then a bigger box is definitely your choice. Finish with the horizontal popsicle sticks on the top and vertical popsicle sticks at the bottom.

6. Decorations

Make sure that the treasure box is completely dry before you start decorating it. Your child or you can use anything to decorate the box. You can decorate it with some of the found items. This will give a hint to the beholder of what lies inside. The things could range from feathers, pebbles to small rocks. Plastic gems, stickers or sea glass can also be used. Fix a large wooden bead at the centre to serve as the handle and use four wooden beads to form the legs of the box.

Frequently asked questions

1. What will I do if I don’t find coloured popsicles?

You can always paint the plain popsicles the colour of your choice if you don’t find coloured ones.

2. What items can be used to decorate the treasure box?

The items can be of your personal choice and if you are making it for your child then keep his or her choice and likings in mind before you decorate it.

Quick tips

The treasure box can be used by you or your child to store treasured objects but it can also make a very interesting gift item. Only when you are gifting it, keep the choice of the person you are gifting it to, in mind before you decorate it.

Things to watch out for

1. If you are colouring the popsicles make sure that you colour one side and let it dry completely before you colour the other side.

2. If you have coloured the popsicles then make sure that they are dry before you start decorating your treasure box.

3. If you have children at home then be careful about the paints or lock the room when you are working on the treasure box.

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