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Tracking pregnancy month by month

Tracking pregnancy month by month

The changing symptoms in your body will prompt you, if you are pregnant. You can easily gauge which stage of pregnancy you are in. The obvious signs and symptoms associated with different phases of maternity will help to ascertain the same. Therefore, it is integral to follow certain obvious precautions in order to ensure a safe pregnancy.

First month

If you witness a missed period it is a good sign. You can be somewhat sure that it is your first month of pregnancy. You will feel breast tenderness, extreme lethargy and occasional dizziness. Morning sickness will be prevalent right from this month. There will also be aggravated vaginal discharge. You will feel like urinating very frequently, during this time. Your taste bud will be predominated by a strange metallic taste. Further, you will crave for certain food while developing aversion for most of the caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee.

Prenatal care tips

The first month of pregnancy is the most delicate one. Your baby is now in the form of an embryo with a beating heart. You must quit smoking altogether now. Limit your alcohol intake as much as you can. The normal formation of all the other organs of baby will be severely hampered, if you keep on continuing with your addictions. Instead, consume Vitamin B folic acid supplements. Never forget to visit your gynecologist as soon as you can.

Second month

As you reach the second month of pregnancy, your breast tenderness will enhance. Your morning sickness will intensify. You will also have nausea during the daytime. Fatigue remains constant and keeps on increasing. You will have frequent wake-ups at night as you will feel like visiting the loo often. You might also experience unusual mood swings during this time.

Prenatal care tips

Your baby has now grown into a foetus. His organs have already formed and are in the process of further development. Consume healthy food like dairy, cereals, fruits, vegetables, grains, meat, etc. as much as you can. This will assist your baby in the process of further development. Continue taking Vitamin B folic acid supplements to prevent the chances of birth defects. Drink in generous quantities of water and juices to keep your system hydrated. Consume adequate iodized salt to supplement the need of iodine and sodium. Have regular health checkups.

Third month

The lethargy and extreme fatigue that you have been experiencing till date will remain constant. Surprisingly your intensity of morning sickness and frequent urination will subside gradually. You may have headache, once in a while. You will find your clothes tighter around the tummy area and the breasts. The breasts and the baby bump gradually begin to grow from now on. Your baby is now about four inches long with developed eyes, fingers and genital organs. So, you will have a weight gain of about three to four pounds on an average.

Prenatal care tips

Your diet must be well planned during this time. It must comprise of additional doses of minerals and vitamins to nourish the baby inside your womb. Visit your doctor regularly to have a series of tests done. You can also perform light exercises now as per the advice of your gynecologist.

Fourth month

Your pregnancy will be visibly prominent now. Your waist line will vanish to pave way for a prominent baby bump. Your appetite will be intensified. You will continue to gain further weight. Skin pigmentation will be prevalent, especially on the face, arms and breasts. The color of the nipples may get deeper now. Fortunately, your morning sickness will cease to exist.

Prenatal care tips

Wear loose clothes now. Ensure that you wear maternity bra now to prevent sagging of breasts. Continue eating nutritional diet to provide optimum nutrition to your fully formed baby.

Fifth month

This is the month when your baby will have rapid growth inside your womb. So, you can feel the baby moving inside and taking side turns. Your heartbeat will be faster. The uterus will grow big enough to reach your baby button. The baby bump will look enormous. You might feel extremely tired. Occasional leg cramps are common, especially at night. It indicates that you are running short of calcium.

Prenatal care tips

You need sound sleep of at least eight hours at night. Take occasional rest throughout the day to counter your tiredness. Eating healthy and consuming enough of water remains constant. Consume calcium supplements after consulting your doctor.

Sixth month

You will now feel your baby kicking you hard from inside. You will have back pain due to your huge and bulky baby bump. Your uterus expands further now and stretches the flesh of your belly. Itching will also occur due to expansion of the muscles and flesh. Shortness of breath, constipation and pain in the ribcage are common symptoms that you will experience now.

Prenatal care tips

You can perform some light stretching exercises to get rid of growing back pain. Switch over to flat sandals now. Wear loose and comfortable clothes. Continue eating well balanced food and drinking fluids.

Seventh month

You might suffer from indigestion now as the growing baby presses against your digestive organs. Stretch marks will begin to appear all around your belly and thighs. Some of you might even face sciatic pain. This is due to the enlargement of the stomach and the loosening of pelvic joints in preparation for delivery. Painless contractions called Braxton Hicks are also common now. This is your uterus’s own way of rehearsing for the impending delivery. You might also continue having leg cramps.

Prenatal care tips

The frequency of doctor visit and health check up is expected to become more now. Talk to your doctor and have additional dose of calcium. Get immediate medical assistance, if you suffer from more than five Braxton Hicks in an hour. Be careful about accidental falls now, as your sense of balance is somewhat disturbed due to the fully blown baby bump.

Eighth month


Rib soreness will be prevalent now. Your urge for frequent visit to the loo will persist again. This is because your baby now continues to press your already pressed bladder. Your naval will disappear and a dark line running across your abdomen will be seen. It is called linea nigra. Your awkward body shape and the highly energetic baby inside you will prevent you from sleeping properly at nights. Your breasts will have leakage of colostrum. You will have breathlessness as the baby crowds around your respiratory organs.

Prenatal care tips

Rest as much as you can. Eat short meals throughout the day to overcome shortness of breath and heartburn. Stack in a number of pillows below your head to make yourself comfortable while sleeping. Rush for medical assistance whenever you have repetitive contractions, bleeding or gushing fluid discharge from vagina and excruciating abdominal cramps.

Ninth month

Your belly button will now look protruded. Heavy vaginal discharge will also be prevalent. You might have more contractions now. You will suffer more from sleepless nights. You will feel pain in the groin and the legs as the baby presses into your pelvic region now. Luckily, your breathlessness will subside as the head of the baby drops into your pelvic region. You will be too tired by the middle of the ninth month.

Prenatal care tips

Take frequent rests. Wear sanitary pads to overcome vaginal discharge from getting prominent. Going for medical checkup once a week, becomes mandatory now. If you feel that you are in labor, take immediate actions.

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