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Why tots show tantrums all the time? The real reasons

When your baby or toddler throws up a tantrum in spite of your love, care and attention, it can be very frustrating and irritating. It is as if you reserve your best for your baby while he reserves his worst for you.This often makes you wonder whether something is lacking in your parenting style or something is wrong with your child. Tot tantrums are misunderstood without realizing that the only thing these little ones need is empathy. According to WebMD, almost 80 percent of toddlers between the age of 1-4 throw tantrums. Here are few common reasons as to why these tiny tots throw tantrums.

1. They trust you

It is actually a reason to celebrate if your little one throws up a tantrum in front of you. It means that he/she trusts you and has a deep emotional link with you. Strangers do not receive tantrums because the baby is not sure that they care. The tantrum is usually a need being expressed and the little one knows that you care enough to respond.

2. They are frustrated

The toddler has almost no control over the environment. He never gets to make a choice as the things are decided for him. For instance, he may want to go outdoors rather than play at home with the dolls. He may seek a pink bottle rather than the blue one through which he is being fed. The frustration is let out as a tantrum instead of being bottled up.

3. They are tired and hungry

Exhaustion is a very common reason for tantrums. The little one do not take a nap in the afternoon and become cranky and irritating at night. The same could result from hunger too. This happens because the toddler has not yet developed the ‘adult’ abilities in recognizing fatigue, hunger and modifying behavior accordingly. This is not surprising as many adults themselves throw tantrums when are tired and hungry.

4. They are bored

Their brains are in a developmental stage and the little ones need almost a constant source of mental stimulation. They tend to get bored easily and this boredome causes them to throw tantrums.

5. They want attention

The toddlers are only learning to communicate. The inability to express themselves through language makes them communicate through tantrums. This is the reason for all the crying, kicking and bawling. And when a previous tantrum had resulted in attention, this behavior can grow even more.

6. They are unable to cope with the world

Every thing that the toddler hears, sees or feels is a new experience. There is absolutely no familiarity in the young age and the constant experience of something new may overload the little one. Unable to cope with so much of new input, the toddler throws up a tantrum. Just like the lack of stimulation irritates and disturbs them, so does the extra excitement and over-stimulation.

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