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TIps to move your baby to big beds

One of the most common topics of conversation amongst mommies is shifting their babies to their own big beds for a good night sleep. Most of the parents undergo various kinds of grindings; get sweated all over to make their baby sleep in their bed. They are really helpless to find a solution. But what is required is to have patience. Never forget, how our mommy used to make us sleep, how many sleepless nights she had spent with us when we were kids.

Cradling baby to sleep in his/her big bed is never an easy task. But it’s not that tough as well. It requires a little bit of strategy and planning. Remember always that a baby finds it comfortable and safest with their parents. A baby is accustomed and familiar with its own crib. The baby will certainly feel insecure and can’t adapt to a new place, new bed or others. We can plan many small things in advance to deal with the situation.

1. Read the heart and mind of the baby, what he/she likes, what he/she loves, how does he/she play etc. For a healthy and sound sleep, the baby must have his/her dinner properly. Remember your baby will get up in the middle of his/her sleep if he/she is hungry. So, please ensure that your baby is given enough night meal or suckled fully. A glass of lukewarm milk will give him/her a sound sleep.

2. Get an attractive big bed for your young one. In case of twins or triplets, a bunk bed will certainly help out. Spread a bed sheet painted with cartoon characters of your baby’s choice. The baby will really love it and feel close to it. And this will prevent his/her lonesomeness and sense of insecurity.

3. Initial days can be tough for you. But stay cool and calm and never lose your temper. It will only hurt your baby and ultimately you. So, tackle the situation carefully. It can take a few days to weeks for your baby to feel comfortable to the new big bed. To start with, parents can place the baby’s bed in their room. And finally, can shift the baby when he/she is acquainted with the new bed.

4. This transformation can be made interesting by some small acts like placing your baby’s favorite stuffed toys, an attractive night lamp, carpet and curtains with lovely cartoon features. It can work wonders to your young one. The baby will love to spend his/her time there and won’t feel lonely anymore. The shifting process might be different from one child to another as every child is special and different. All we need is to show our love and care to the baby. Shifting process should be done in such a way that the baby should not feel neglected or dejected. Rather it should be framed in such a way that the baby learns his/her responsibility and grows up independently.

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