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Tips for Moms to Make Home Safer for Their Kids

Make Home Safer for Kids

Did you know that on an average over 2000 kids in the US die from injuries resulting from accidents at home? Sounds alarming, but it is true! Kids can be inquisitive at times and would want to explore on their own no matter how hard you try to stop them. As such, you would need to childproof your home to ensure they do not suffer from injury while playing around. Here are some useful tips you can follow to make your home a safer place for your kids.

Install Window Guards

If you live above the first floor, it is highly recommended that you install window guards on all the windows in your home. This would prevent your kids from trying to look out the window when you are not around. However, make sure that you install an easily removable window guard (probably a quick release mechanism) on one window, which would act as your emergency exit in case of a tragedy.

Install Gates at Stairwells

Installing gateways would prevent falls that could potentially be fatal for your children. While many parents prefer to install gates at the top of the stairwell, you must install a gate at the bottom too. It may look like additional effort to open and close these gates every time you use the stairs; however, this would ensure the safety of your kids.

Tie Bookcases to Wall Hooks

Kids love to climb and the bookcase happens to be one of the most common pieces of furniture your kids would attempt to explore. Although the bookcases are heavy, they become top heavy if your kids remove the books from the bottom shelves. This could cause the bookshelf to topple over easily. An effective way to prevent this from happening is to fasten the bookcases to wall hooks with the help of straps. You can also use the same technique to fasten other furniture pieces like television stands and dressers.

Lock Kitchen Drawers and Cabinets

No matter how hard you try, you cannot stop your kids from exploring the kitchen. So opt to childproof the place instead. Install knob covers and special locks on cabinet drawers, so that your kids do not open them. Keep one cabinet unlatched for your kid to play with and fill it up with wooden and plastic utensils. Do not let them come near the stove or oven, as they could possibly burn their fingers in the process.

Cover up Sharp Edges

Certain furniture pieces, such as coffee tables, can have sharp edges, which can harm your kids, should they bump into them by mistake. So opt to cover them by installing bumpers on them. Install bumpers on all other places in the house with sharp edges. You can also opt for soft foam protectors to cover these edges.


Keep Cords out of Reach

Kids can easily strangulate themselves on loose cords lying around the house. Make sure you keep all kinds of cords away from their reach, including the ones hanging down from window treatments and curtains. Electrical cords are dangerous as well. Make sure to fold these cords neatly and bunch them together with tape or a wire, so that your kids do not pull them out.

Cover Electrical Sockets

Kids love to poke their fingers into holes, especially electrical sockets. Ensure that all the electrical sockets in the house within their reach are properly covered. Use caps to cover the sockets. Instead of opting for smaller caps, opt for large ones that are harder to pull out and cannot choke your kids.


These are some of the common safety precautions you can follow in your home to make it a safer place for your kids. Remember, in spite of having all these precautions in place, it is always wise to have an eye on your kids, as you never know when they would outsmart you and your safety measures.

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