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The Power of Plants: 7 Benefits of Switching to a Plant-Based Diet

Benefits of Switching to a Plant-Based Diet

The days of tucking into ‘meat and two veg’ every evening for dinner is becoming less common across a vast number of households, and there are various reasons for it. From health concerns to animal welfare, more and more people are choosing to eat plants – and are feeling better for it too.

It’s worth noting that there are two types of plant-based diets. Plant-based means you no longer consume animal protein of any kind, whereas whole food plant-based means that you only eat whole, minimally processed foods. The latter is by far the healthiest option, but it can feel quite restrictive to begin with, so it’s a good idea to ease yourself into it.

There is an ever-growing demand for plant products, so grocery stores are filled with a wide range of milk alternatives and plant-based meals the whole family can enjoy. If you are thinking of making the switch, but want to know more about it first, read on.

Here are 7 benefits of switching to a plant-based diet.

1. Losing weight

Young attractive woman at home in the morning, looking at mirror and contemplating her weight loss. The girl lifts her t-shirt and touches her belly with happy expression

A whole food plant-based lifestyle is perfect for those looking to shed some weight healthily. Plant-based foods are naturally denser than animal proteins, which means you feel fuller quicker and stay satiated for longer. It results in smaller meals and few cravings, which, in turn, can lead to weight loss.

The great thing about a whole food plant-based diet is that you don’t even have to count calories. It’s a wise idea to monitor good fats such as avocados, nuts, and seeds, as they are highly calorific, but you can eat an abundance of fruit, veg, and legumes whenever you feel like it without the worry of gaining weight. Try it for a month, and you might be shocked at the results you see when you next step on your scales.

2. You will become more creative with food

Switching to a plant-based diet is a learning curve, but one of the many benefits is that you will start experimenting more with meals. There is this notion that those on a plant-based diet eat nothing but salad leaves, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. If you aren’t sure where to start, there are thousands of plant-based recipes online or a wide range of plant-based cookbooks available to purchase. If you are more of a visual learner, you will find a range of fabulous tutorials on YouTube and TikTok.

You will use certain products more than others, so it’s a good idea to buy things like tahini, liquid aminos, and organic monk fruit sweetener in bulk. These will become some of your staple ingredients, and you will use them instead of nutrient-lacking salad dressings, soy sauce, and refined sugars. Having a stock of the products you use the most will reduce the risk of reaching for a ready meal or grabbing something that isn’t particularly healthy.

3. Increased bowel movements

agony of constipation

People who have suffered from the agony of constipation for years have found their symptoms have disappeared within a few months of eating a plant-based diet.

You will be consuming lots of fiber, so you must make sure you drink enough water to compensate. It’s also worth noting that heavily processed foods such as meat replacements can bung you up again, so try and stick to whole foods as much as possible. The days of toilet trips being a bit of a struggle could be over, and you might be amazed at how ‘regular’ things become in that department.

4. Clearer skin

Eating more plants can have powerful effects on your skin. Plants contain large amounts of natural antioxidants that help protect the skin’s surface from oxidative damage caused by various things, including pollution and UV rays. After a few months of eating this way, you should start to see your skin look clearer, cleaner, and may even have a natural glow.

Your body will also be expelling toxins more regularly, which will also do wonders. So, if you currently spend a fortune on anti-agingmoisturizers and serums, you might find you get far better results by cleaning up your diet.

5. Increased energy

Switching to a Plant-Based Diet

A typical western diet can leave you feeling sluggish, lethargic, and generally a bit awful at various times throughout the day. Plant-based diets are high in complex carbs and fiber and are a lot easier to digest, so you should find that instead of having sporadic energy levels throughout the day, they should be way more consistent. This, in turn, will help with concentration, focus, and overall mood, so it’s a win-win regardless of how you look at it.

6. Prevent and treat illness

A whole food plant-based diet is scientifically proven not only to prevent many illnesses and diseases but, in many cases, reverse them too. Plants contain powerful phytonutrients which help strengthen our natural immune systems and in turn help fight chronic diseases. So, whether you have heart disease, type 2 diabetes, or want to protect your body from cancer in later life, plants are the key.

If you are on any type of medication for these or other illnesses, then it goes without saying that you should contact your health provider before reducing or stopping your intake.

7. Environmental benefits

 Plant-Based Diet

As well as doing wonders for your health, eating more plants and less meat will help the environment too. It’s recently been suggested that cattle farming is the leading cause of deforestation today, so even if you only reduce your consumption a little, you will be making a positive impact on the planet. 


If switching entirely to a plant-based diet sounds a little daunting, you can always do it in stages. Meat-free Mondays are becoming very popular, so you can always start there and gradually increase it. The longer you do it, the easier it will become, and when you start seeing the positive effects it has on your body and mind, the more inclined you will be to stick with it.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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