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Subscription-Based Healthcare: An Alternative to Insurance?

Subscription-Based Healthcare An Alternative to Insurance

Several Americans are fond of purchasing health insurance, but it isn’t like they have an option. If they go without, their finances could wind up in shambles after a single accident. To help solve difficulties caused by the healthcare system, we should consider subscription-based healthcare.

What is Subscription-Based Healthcare?

Subscription-based healthcare is a model where patients pay a fixed amount on a scheduled date. This payment covers most or all of the services a medical practitioner may provide, such as visits, tests, and procedures. This model could extend to specialists and dentists.

The Positives of a Subscription-Based Healthcare Model

It’s not difficult to see the inherent positives of a subscription-based healthcare model, but is it truly the best alternative to insurance? We think the answer is “yes” for the following reasons.

1.   Healthcare is More Accessible

Direct care physicians found available on subscription-based models handle fewer patients, meaning you’ll have better access to same-day urgent care or answers to healthcare questions. You also don’t have to leave your house to book or see the physician for most ailments.

2.   Preventative Care is Possible

Many Americans aren’t thrilled with the idea of paying hundreds of dollars to see their doctor for an illness they don’t have. However, preventative care, like annual checkups, is important to keep problems at bay. Subscription-based healthcare makes it cheap to see your doctor.

3.   Higher-Quality Patient Care

Most doctors work on the fee-for-service (FFS) model, so they’re encouraged to see as many patients as possible. With this system, you see your doctor for 15 minutes. If you pay by subscription, doctors are paid no matter what. This means they’ll have more time to spend with you.

4.   Easy to Get Specialist Referrals

Family physicians rarely diagnose complicated illnesses, and this wouldn’t be a problem if you needed to go through your family doctor to get a referral. Fortunately, a direct care provider can refer you much faster. The subscription model will also coordinate your visit with the specialist.

5.   It’s More Cost Effective

Subscription-based healthcare costs $20 to $100 a month, which is significantly cheaper than insurance. While specialized services or urgent care aren’t always provided, they’re services you rarely need. And If the cost is too high, you can opt in and out easier than with insurance.

The Negatives of a Subscription-Based Healthcare Model

For all its positives, the subscription-based healthcare model still comes with some negatives. With that said, many of these negatives can be solved with a bit of tweaking and good policy.

1.   Patients Won’t Have Insurance

It is essential to chose the right health insurance policy for people of all ages, but many patients won’t have health insurance and a direct care provider at the same time. This may make them vulnerable to sudden accidents unless the subscription model includes these benefits.

2.   Not Suitable for Chronically Ill Patients

The primary reason to go to a direct care provider is to benefit from routine monitoring and preventive care. Someone who already has several complicated health problems may not benefit from checkups. They would need to connect with specialists as often as possible.

3.   Patients Need a Steady Income

If you have health insurance already, you’ll need a steady stream of income to pay for a direct care physician. This can be a bad thing if you don’t see the doctor often. It can be nice to have that peace of mind, but many Americans can’t afford to spend extra on necessary healthcare.

In Conclusion…

The subscription-based healthcare model can be a great idea if it’s executed appropriately. It can cut down on the problems already plaguing our healthcare system, but it can’t solve everything without a policy change. We’re sure this model will get more accessible with time.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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