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Skin care tips for would-be mommies

For women, pregnancy is like a dream come true. With so many changes taking place in your body during pregnancy and so much advice about stuff to be consumed and to be avoided, you might get a little overwhelmed. On top of all this, you also need to take care of your health and beauty. Generally, you are advised to stay away from self-medication, as many over-the-counter medicines contain chemicals that might cause a possible harm to the development of the baby. In the same way, using certain products on your body might also prove detrimental for the health of your baby. Therefore, it is always better to be extra cautious about what you put in as well as on your body.

In your non-pregnant days, you might have used like a dozen lotions, moisturizers, sunscreens and other cosmetics to maintain healthy-looking skin without a second thought. However, that is not the case when you are pregnant. You need to take greater care of the baby inside you. You need to know whether certain product is good for your baby or not, before applying it. The good news is that when you are pregnant, the hormonal changes in your body make your skin glow with a natural shine. You might have minor skin problems like acne occurrence, pigmentation, and stretch marks.

Acne care

You might have a sudden onset of acne in your first trimester due to changes in estrogen levels in your body. This might happen even if you never had this problem earlier. This problem is more likely to appear if you have an oily skin. Do consult a doctor before applying anything on your face. He might prescribe a mild topical antibiotic to treat acne. It is said that you can use products with less than 2 percent salicylic acid or salicylate for acne. Look out for retinoids or retinoic acid in the composition of the product you are about to use, as excess is not good for development of the baby.

Dry skin

Dry skin with mild itching is a very common occurrence during pregnancy. If accompanied by severe itching, you have to consult your doctor. He might prescribe antihistamines to provide relief. For dry skin, you could use moisturizers. But then again, avoid products containing salicylic acid and retinoic acid. Retinoic acid is a form of vitamin A, which when consumed in excess effects the baby. Using water-based moisturizers is recommended for use during pregnancy. These products do not clog your pores and are safe for your baby too.

Make up

Cosmetics are safe for use during pregnancy, as long as they do not contain the chemicals mentioned above. It is best to use minerals only products for your make up during pregnancy. These products do not pose the threat of passing through your skin and entering your blood stream. Therefore, there is no threat of them affecting the baby. They are restricted only on the surface of the skin. It is safe to use oil-free cosmetics for the same reason as stated above.

Sunscreen and hair-removers

These are safe to use, when used minimally. Though the ingredients of sunscreen penetrate the skin, they are present in very low concentrations and do not show any disastrous effects of the development of your baby. Nevertheless, just to be cautious, it is better to use titanium oxide and zinc oxide, which do not penetrate through the skin.

Hair removers do not contain specific products that are harmful. They could be used without a worry. However, before using them it is better to do a patch test, as during pregnancy your skin might become extra sensitive to certain products.

Dos and don’ts

  1. Drink a lot of water to wash off the toxins from your body. This contributes to the betterment of your skin.
  2. Eat fresh fruits and raw vegetables. Have nutrient-rich, balanced diet. Avoid junk food and oily stuff.
  3. Do not restrict your diet too much. Be conscious of your weight. But, at the same time, make sure you provide the right amount of nutrition to your baby.
  4. Moisturize often, as your skins adopts a tendency of drying up quickly during pregnancy.
  5. Wash your face thoroughly to ward off the dirt that settles on your skin continually. Avoid soap while washing, as it might cause further drying up of your skin.
  6. Get natural facials and massages with fragrant oils. This would help you relax.
  7. Sleep well to maintain general heath, as well as a healthy skin. Make sure you do not get too tired.
  8. Stay calm and happy and enjoy the joys of being pregnant.

Conflicting advices

There would be no dearth of advice when you are pregnant. Everybody starts to recount their experiences, trying to enlighten you with their knowledge. Just remember that every pregnant woman is different from another. Consult a doctor before consuming anything not natural or anything for which you are doubtful. Even in the scientific community, there are conflicting evidences provided regarding the stuff that is safe and stuff that is not for use during pregnancy. Some say that using glycolic acid is safe, while some say it is not.

Bottom line

It is always better to let things go on their own way and not meddle with them, when it comes to giving birth. It is up to you to decide whether the health of your baby is more important for you or your own beauty.

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