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SAHIMO takes you around Turkey in just three liters!

The Sakarya University Advanced Technologies Implementation Group (SAITEM) sets a record in fuel efficiency. Having been adjudged the third best fuel-efficient car in the 26th Shell Eco Marathon last year, the hydrogen-powered SAHIMO delivers an impressive 568 kilometers per liter. So, it’s indeed a great news for green minded explorers.

Check out the video after the jump:

SAHIMO costs $170,000 to build and weighing at 110 kilograms, is comparatively lighter than other cars . What makes it evermore eco-friendly is its green, 90% carbon fiber construction.

Melemez, a fourth-year engineering student at Sakarya University, reveals that the team looks forward to raise the record to 1,000 kilometers a liter at Global Green Challenge, Australia. Today’s Zaman reports that the very talented team plans to work on a non-piloted aircraft and is already trying to get support from Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI).

Image Source: Idea Ref

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