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Pregnancy sex: What’s hot and what’s not

Pregnancy sex

Spark of passion no longer fly between couples during pregnancy. Physical intimacy slips out of their lives during this phase. However, contrary to the popular belief, pregnancy is not the end of sex. You just need to stick to a few directives to have it safely without curbing your desires and subjecting her to any potential risk.

Proper and Correct position

It’s believed that positions and body postures play an important role while having sex during pregnancy. It’s recommended for women go for on-the-top position and sideways. These positions are believed to be less strenuous for their body.

Deep penetration with care

While having intercourse, deep penetration should happen only if the woman feels easy and comfortable with it. Special care should be taken or else this might end up hurting the woman and bear adverse effect on the womb inside.

Avoiding douch and external elements

The woman’s vagina should not come in direct contact with air, water or any other foreign and unfriendly element. Douching is strictly prohibited while having sex during pregnancy.

The Emotional and Mental Quotient

Sexual activity during pregnancy also depends upon understanding her willingness to take part in the act. At the same time, introducing subtlety and a bit of humor is generally considered to generate feel good factor in women while making love.

A Straight Attitude

A woman should be able to say ‘No’ to her partner. She should refuse in straight words about her lack of mental preparedness and physical discomfort, in case she encounters a few while having the intercourse. Keeping mum would only deteriorate both mother and kid’s health and might lead to various complications.

Maintaining alertness while approaching labor

Sex should be strictly avoided, if the woman stands in the high risk zone of preterm or premature labor. Before getting a go ahead signal from doctor or mid wife, intercourse, foreplay leading to orgasm and even stimulation of breasts and nipples should be kept at bay.

Listen to the Doctor

If your doctor warns against intercourse or even slightest of sexual activity, do pay heed to him or else, you might face uncomfortable and unnecessary problems and complexities during delivery.

Careful against rupture of ‘Amniotic Sac’

Sex should be strictly avoided if leakage of amniotic fluid is detected. This fluid is pretty essential for taking care of the baby inside mother’s womb as it nourishes and protects him. If the amniotic sac gets ruptured, baby would be deprived of those essential nutrients required for his healthy development inside the womb.

Protection against STD & HIV

Restrain from any kind of sexual activity, if the woman is infected with Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) or HIV. In case both are willing to make it out, use of spermicide and condom is highly recommended to arrest any harmful virus from making inroads.

Discussion of postpartum contraception

Knowledge of postpartum contraception is very necessary for a woman as she moves into advanced stages of pregnancy.

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