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North America oversaturated in carbon dioxide

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According to a report by the US Climate Change Science Program, the Bush administration’s climate research arm, North America’s ability to absorb global gases created by the USA, Canada and Mexico is smaller than previously thought and is likely to diminish further. According to the report, the continent produces three to four times more carbon dioxide than its forests, croplands, wetlands and coastal water can soak up.

North America is responsible for producing 27% of the world’s greenhouse gases with USA alone accounting for 85% of the gases. Of the total greenhouse gas created in the continent, 42% comes from burning fossil fuel for electricity and 31% is emitted from exhausts of cars and other transports.

According to co-author of the study, Anthony King of the Oak Ridge (Tenn.) National Laboratory regrowth of woodlands cleared in the 19th century for farms and logging would help in absorbing the carbon dioxide emitted in the continent.

Source:usa today

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