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Left handed child- Nurture the talent

Left handed child

Left handed child- Nurture the talent

The development of motor skills of your child of a child starts by the time your child turns 3. In case, you notice that the child prefers using left hand rather than right one, you need to conduct a reality check.

Tests you can do

Throw a ball on the floor and ask the child to pick the same. Another test you can conduct is to place a spoon of yoghurt alongside the child and ask the baby to pick the same. In case, the child uses the left hand, you have a left handed child.

Nurture the talent

A left handed child is equally competent as a right handed child. You need to train the child though on certain things though. A left handed child finds it difficult to write on a piece of paper that has been placed vertically. The paper needs to be tilted towards the right. Repeat the exercise a few times and the child will get hold of the same and will be able to write effectively.

Teach your child to hold the pen in proper way. Children who write with left hand tend to grasp the pen tightly, so as to view what exactly has been written. With care and patience, you can teach the child to hold the pen in its correct way and soon the child will learn to grasp the pen correctly. Similarly when the time comes to migrate to a computer, is would be better if you invest in a mouse that has been designed for a left hander.


Finally when the child is old enough to tie their shoe laces themselves, you need to keep a watch on the child. It would be better if you place a mirror before the child while they tie the laces with their left hand.

Repeat this exercise for a month and your child will grow confident enough to manage things on their own.

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