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Japan refuses to stop whaling amidst protests


Amidst angry outcry from the Australian government as well as international condemnation from environmentalist groups worldwide, Japan said that it was not prepared to give up what it called its ‘research whaling program’.

Japan had sent its whaling fleet for their annual humpback whaling over a week ago to the Antarctic Ocean. Whaling is a cherished cultural tradition in Japan. Japan abandoned commercial whale hunting in 1986 following an international moratorium. However, it resumed its whale-hunting program the following year under the guise of ‘scientific research whaling program.’

Australia along with several other countries is critical over Japan’s whaling program. The Australian Labor Party, which recently swept to power in national elections ending 11 years of John Howard’s conservative rule, wants legal action against Japan for whaling in Australia’s Antarctic Whale Sanctuary.

Japan hopes that despite of opposition over its whaling program the new Australian government will continue maintaining friendly ties with Japan.

Image: vivid

Source: reuters

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