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India and China slow down environmental progress as they object to Bali draft

dutch environment minister holds up a poster in de

It is funny when you see the Dutch environment minister hold a poster up saying that ‘It is up to UN now’, maybe stating that the talks on the paradise island of Bali have come to a sudden stop. What is funny about the sign is the fact that it seems there are people across the planet who still believe that the UN actually has that kind of power to influence the decision making of some of the top nations of the world. India and China both refused to agree to the present of form of the UN draft talks in Bali.

The talks in Bali were a week long conference that was aimed at achieving a global commitment towards cut in emission of greenhouse gases. While the Kyoto protocol held only 37 nations that signed on it responsible by designating emission caps for them, this summit was heralded as a ground-breaking effort towards global environment protection. More than 190 nations were a part of the conference that aimed at involving all the nations in an environmentally conscious program that would stretch beyond 2012 and would be the base for all future UN programs in regards to protection of the planet.

The final draft had stated that the rich nations of the world had to cut their carbon emissions by 25 to 40 percent by the year 2020, compared to what they were in 1990. But India and China complain about the unfairness of the pact and state that the richer nations of the world need to help the developing nations more in order to meet the cuts stated in the draft. It is an ironic fact that the second and fourth largest contributors in the world’s carbon emissions are not willing to agree to the pact that aims at saving the planet. It is an absolute pity as I do not understand what more the two nations expect out of the world.

While I might not be fully aware of the draft, it seems pretty fair on its face value. It already has set very high standards for the developed nations to meet and pushing it any further might be impossible. While it is understandable that India and China have their problems and issues with development, they must not forget that they will not have a planet to live on if they are consumed by their petty interests. But knowing both India and China and the functioning of the bureaucracy and prevalent diplomatic corruption in both the nations, even a draft that is signed is pretty much useless. So, might as well go ahead and sign it folks, it won’t make much of a difference. As far as the sign held up by the Dutch environment minister goes, maybe it should read ‘It is up to GOD now’.


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