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How to Prepare for Your First Memory Clinic – Diagnosing Dementia

How to Prepare for Your First Memory Clinic - Diagnosing Dementia

Everyone suffers temporary memory loss at some point. For example, you could walk into the room looking for something, but you can’t remember what you went in for once you’re in there. Such memory loss is normal, and there is nothing to worry about.

However, if your memory problems become too regular and you forget important things like taking medication or attending an appointment, it could be an early sign of a regenerative brain disorder.

While incurable, dementia progression can be manageable when diagnosed early. So it is best to seek medical help when you see early signs of dementia. This guide can help to prepare for your first memory clinic, so keep reading.

What Is Dementia?

Dementia is not a disease. It is a medical term for a decline in cognitive abilities, including memory loss, problem-solving abilities, and thinking skills. It’s caused by a wide range of conditions, with Alzheimer’s disease being the leading cause of dementia. Other causes include vascular dementia and Lewy body dementia.

The best place to get help diagnosing and treating dementia is a memory clinic. These medical facilities assess, diagnose, and manage regenerative memory disorders, including dementia.

They are also where you are more likely to find the best expert healthcare professionals specializing in medical disorders, increasing the chances of getting the help you need.

Preparing For Your First Clinic

1. Gather Medical and Personal Information

The first thing the doctor will want to know from you is personal and medical information. This information will help them identify who you are and what they are dealing with, advising their approach to your treatment.

The medical records do not have to be memory loss related. For example, if you have been treated for illnesses or diseases before you noticed the first symptoms, it’s best to carry the treatment records with you and a list of the medications you are taking or have taken in the recent past. Doing that helps the doctor know if they have a role to play in your memory loss problems.

It also helps to document your memory lapses to help your doctor draw a pattern and probably identify the triggers. Lastly, dig up some of your family histories because dementia and other memory disorders have been seen to flow through a family line.

2. Plan and Write Down Everything Beforehand

Since you are dealing with a memory loss problem it is important to be prepared before your first visit because you don’t want a memory lapse episode to get in the way of getting treatment.

So ensure you write down every detail that you think may be important or the doctor may want to get from you. By putting everything in writing, you are assured of a backup just in case you go blank.

This is critical if you are accompanied on your clinic visit. Information that may need writing down includes details about the extent of your problem, for example, when the problem started, how bad it is, and your lifestyle, among others.

3. Get Someone to Go With You

Unless it is absolutely impossible, it is important that you have someone like a friend or a family member by your side. While you may have researched and have a basic understanding of what happens in a dementia clinic, there are things about being there that you may not fully comprehend, and you do not want to encounter situations that may be overwhelming while you are all by yourself.

Having someone close to you can be comforting, but they can also help you remember some important details you may have forgotten because of your condition.

Final Words

If you have witnessed a loved one go through memory loss, you know how helpless the situation looks, and understandably, you could be scared. The good news is if you seek timely medical intervention, it’s possible to slow down its progression or even reverse some of the damages caused to ensure you have as close to normal life as possible.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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