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How to Make Your Spouse Feel Valued and Loved

How to Make Your Spouse Feel Valued and Loved

According to a Pew Research Center survey, 88% of Americans cite love as a very important reason for getting married. It’s true, people marry for love and wish to stay in love as long as they are married.

However, keeping the spark alive in a marriage as the years go by can be quite tricky. Since we all crave emotional connection, making sure our partners feel loved and valued can go a long way in keeping a marriage successful.

1. Keep Communicating

One of the best ways to keep your spouse feel valued is to keep them in the loop. Let them know how your day was, what did you enjoy or what bothered you, and ask them about theirs. If something bothers you, be honest about how you feel, but remember to be kind and respectful always. Also, make sure you are available to your spouse when they need you.

2. Be Loving Especially When You Don’t Feel It

Remember, you will forget how hard your day was, but it might take a long time for your partner to forget how you made them feel. It’s quite natural not to feel loving all the time, but trying your best to act respectful and caring will make your spouse feel cherished. They will also know that whatever’s going on with you has nothing to do with them.

3. Find Out Their Love Language

Partners in a relationship don’t always speak the same love language. Often times, you as a partner may be speaking a love language that you know, which may not always be the language they seek. Ask your partner what makes them feel happy, what makes them feel loved, and how they want to be treated in a relationship. Do your best to be fluent in their love language, and let them know what yours is. These small gestures go a long way in strengthening your relationship.

4. Support Their Goals and Dreams

How can you make your partner know you’re 100% invested in the relationship? One way is to support them in their goals. While self-growth is just as important, your partner will appreciate knowing that you care about theirs just as much. Ask them about their dreams, and help them any way you can to realize them.

5. Spend Quality Time Together

Are you spending enough time with your spouse? If not, then you probably should. A lot of times, life gets in the way of our relationships. Jobs, kids, and everyday routine may not make it possible for you to spend quality time with your spouse. Try to make time on weekends, skip a hobby every once in a while and do something that puts your focus and attention on your spouse.

6. Practice Gratitude

We all work hard, but a few words of gratitude can go a long way in making one feel appreciated. Saying something as simple as “Honey, thanks for all that you do”, will melt away their fatigue and exhaustion in a blink. Show gratitude and appreciation as much as you can.

7. Forgive and Forget

You can’t move on and live a happy life if you keep clinging to unhappy moments from the past. Everyone makes mistakes, but the important thing is to address your feelings, let go of the past, and stop bringing it up in your present.  Support each other in every walk of life, and appreciate the life you have together.

8. Learn from your Mistakes

A wise partner is one who doesn’t repeat the same mistakes. If you see your partner was hurt by something you may have done in the past, do your best to avoid repeating it. If you keep making the same mistakes over and over again, you are telling your spouse you don’t care about them or their feelings.

9. Consider Their Feelings

Another easy way to make your spouse feel valued and loved is to consider their feelings. Start by paying attention to subtle cues and feedback, and see what makes your spouse happy. Help around with chores, make their favorite meal, or take them to their favorite game. Regularly showing regard for your partner’s feelings will help in building a lasting relationship.

10. Seek Marriage Counseling

According to Dr. Piper Walsh, a psychologist offering marriage counseling in South Orange County, partners in a relationship face many challenges along their journey. In such cases, marriage counseling can help couples understand and resolve the conflicts between them, strengthening their relationship in the process. By practicing simple strategies in communication, empathy, and prioritization, couples can make sure they are getting what they need and desire from their relationship.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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