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Honan-Allston library to undergo green makeover

honan allston libraryHinging on sustainability, Harvard University Planners, Boston redevelopment officials and a Cambridge landscape design house collaborated to reinstate the space behind the Honan-Allston Library. They hope to translate the 1.74 acre space into a sustainable park by 2011.

The Harvard-Allston Task Force plans to recycle the empty land at the former site of McNamara Concrete Co. Once renovated, the park will flaunt efficient rainwater recycling, solar-powered irrigation facilities, solar-powered lights lining the quarter-mile of pathways and half an acre of open space as well. Studded with trees, lawns and greenery all over the place, the small wild garden will provide the locals with “a safe and ecologically responsible park.”

Moreover, the park will provide for recreational and educational activities thanks to an open-air classroom, large enough to accommodate 50 people. While Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates Inc. (MVVA) and Harvard will finalize the architectural blueprints this year itself, actual construction might take a year or two.

Image Source: Wicked Local

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