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Highline Park inspires Doug Snower, installs wind turbine on roof

snowers gadget
Green is contagious! I act contrite for not thinking this way before.

Taking a cue from the splendid Highline Park in NYC, the architectural photographer Doug Snower greens his garage roof by installing a silver-blue wind turbine. As chicagotribune.com puts it, the kinetic sculpture is a noiseless, low-voltage electricity generator.

Snower makes steady savings of $10 to $15 on his electricity bills, thanks to self-producing 600-watt gadget that powers his domestic appliances. Ranging from phones to his electric lawn mover, the wind turbine actually compensates for his $5,000 outlay. Not only this, the green family utilizes a horde of sustainable enterprises including a wood-burning masonry fireplace, natural air ventilation system and a grass roof for water conservation. Did I mention those solar panels, in the above image, lionizing that roof?

I hope that the contagion puffs up with no end in sight. So, it’s impressive indeed!

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