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Ever-increasing ocean level threatens world’s 21 cities!


Cities right on the coastline are going to see some hard times in near future. As the climate changes, the water level of the oceans around the world will rise. The rise of the water level will affect about 21 cities through out the world.

But, the number is a little more. About 33 cities throughout the world are worried about their fate as the level of the water keeps on rising. As the World Watch Institute predicts, the 33 cities will have about 8 million people by 2015.

I think the rising water levels throughout the world is due to melting glaciers, icebergs and also due to earthquakes and volcanoes. The fact is pretty alarming. Computer models and experts predict that in another couple of years there will be drastic change in the ocean levels through out the world.

Some of the cities that face this danger are Dhaka (Bangladesh), Rio de Janeiro(Brazil), Mumbai and kolkata in India, Tokyo and Osaka Kobe region of Japan. Little more than 643 million people live in these low lying cities. So if the water level goes up, the 643 million people will be under water.

Therefore, the seriousness of the matter is very obvious. In the next few years if the water level rises and sweeps off the coastal areas, millions will die. All this is happening because of climate change.

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