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European Baby Formulas: Why Have They Become So Popular?

European Baby Formulas

Considering how many brands sell baby formulas nowadays, choosing the most beneficial one could be quite a daunting task as a parent. However, it’s a known fact that a great number of parents are going for the European Baby Formulas like HiPP Formula, Lebenswert, Holle formula etc. What are the reasons behind this? For that we have to take a look at what is it that these Formulas offer.

Three Reasons Why European Formulas Have Become So Popular

1. Resemblance to Breast Milk

happy young woman breastfeeding baby and taking selfie with smartphone at home

Since baby formulas are meant to take the place for breast milk, it goes without saying that the best ones would be the ones that are most like it, like Milk. This is one respect in which a European Baby Formula like the ones mentioned above is better than those prevalent in other countries like the US. It’s because the leading European Formulas contain lactose from non-fat cow’s milk. Since babies usually tend to have enzymes that break down lactose, this further helpsin calcium absorption and in ensuring that they have a good digestion. This is something that they don’t get if you go for ones from elsewhere that are mostly made using corn syrup.

For example, we can consider the case of HiPP organic baby formula, which is one of the popular European Baby Formulas. It is manufactured in the Netherlands and is made primarily from cow milk with goat milk options also available. Another great thing about HiPP formula is that it can be given from birth. It comes in 3-stages that can be given to your baby as it gets older. You can give HiPP Dutch Stage 1 to your infant child until 6 months, the stage 2 from 6 months to 12 months, and the stage 3 after that.

2. Better Guidelines

So, what is it exactly that sets the European Baby Formulas apart from the others? It’s the quality. And why do they offer better quality? It’s because of better regulations. The brands from all around the world are focused on making more profit, and by reaching out to as many customers as they can by offering the most affordable products. Regulations are one of the few things that force them to focus on the quality of their products. Fortunately, the European Commission is very strict regarding what all a baby formula should and should not contain. For example, they require them to contain a sizeable amount of lactose. And they have regulation against them not containing any sucrose. So, HiPP baby formula and others stemming from Europe tend to be stricter with their content.

3. Healthier

The size of stomach of children with overweight.

As already mentioned, European Baby Formulas are under regulations that require them to contain lactose, which is what the babies are accustomed to break down into carbohydrates and energy. This doesn’t put any additional pressure on their pancreas. However, in the countries like the US where the manufacturers aren’t under regulation, they tend to make the formula by using corn syrup and other sweeteners. These make it more difficult to regulate the blood sugar levels and make it difficult to regulate blood sugar level.

Also, childhood is the time when most of our mental associations tend to form. So, getting a child to drink too sweet milk increases a tendency of them developing a sweet tooth early on in their lives, which might prove to be problematic later, as it might increase their risk of getting anything from type-2 diabetes to cardiovascular disease and even obesity.

All the factors mentioned here not only show that European Baby formulas are surely worth the buy, but they also show that we shouldn’t make an uninformed choice when it comes to that. What your baby eats or drinks today certainly have a significant impact on their growth and personality. So, stay aware. Stay safe. Read the ingredients and the making before you make a choice.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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