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Electro-shock therapy to save coral from extinction!

coral bed

It is shocking that almost 90 percent of coral species has already died! But, electro-shock therapy can do wonders for them! Before that, you must know the causes for its extinction. They are pollution in ocean, fishing nets and rising temperature of planetary ocean. With rise in water temperature, algae positioned on the upper surface of coral dies and leaving calcium carbonate substrate open to all bleaches.

In order to live and reproduce, coral require light and large amount of water. As they have fixed structure, they are immobile. Beauiful colors of coral are due to algae. Coral saving project started with the active participation of Tom Goreau from United States and Prof. Wolf Hilbertz. They are members of Global Coral Reef Alliance.

In Indonesia, the Te Karang Project of Coral Preservation, had received the prestigious SKAL Ecotourism Award in the year 2002. In order to increase the number of coral, various coral nurseries were created with Electrolytic Mineral Accretion Technology (BiorockTM) of Hilbertz and Goreau.

Via : greenexpander

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