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Early signs of intelligence in toddlers

Is your child gifted with extra talent? You must have often pondered on it when you saw your child doing something which is extra ordinary or something which is rarely seen at his age. We often praise our kids for every small achievement that they make. From walking the first step to uttering the first word, you find everything just so blissful and sanguine in the child. But, all the kids don’t have the same level of intelligence and it may differ from child to child. Definitely, there are few kids who are born with a silver spoon and also gifted with admiring intelligence. Once you recognize your toddler’s talent, work towards brushing up the skills and make him prefect.

Read on to know about the early signs of intelligence in the kids, this would help you step towards joyful parenting:

1. Signs of early talking

There are few kids who start talking in the initial stage, i.e within 1 year. These kids indeed have high intelligence, as they are able to grasp things better and even understand what others say. The kids who learn to talk earlier have good control over the language which they speak. Moreover, they are going to be the future orators. So, if your child too began speaking earlier then it’s a sign for you that the child would grow up being an intellectual.

2. Develop reading and writing skills

If the child is gifted, then be sure that he would be able to read and write days before the usual thing happen. Intelligent kids develop these skills young and are able to read fairy story book by the age of 4. The other kids who are not so smart learn to write only alphabets and numbers at this age. So, there comes the difference.

3. High ability to save puzzles

Gifted kids are very good at solving any kind of puzzle. They are good at problem solving and do the thing in a jiffy. Sometimes leaving the parents startled. Those kids don’t like to play with those puzzles which are actually of their age, rather they prefer something which is beyond their ability. They will spend the whole day in solving the puzzle with concentration and finally come out with solving the one.

4. Curious about everything

The intellectual kids are curious about everything. They keep on asking about things which fascinates them. Sometimes parents get too miffed to answer their question. But, in such situations the parents should understand that the child has the curiousness in him to know about things. So, without being annoyed try to answer there question. This will help them know more about the surroundings better and they will develop a good sense of understanding about everything.

5. Gifted with a good sense of humor

Perky and smart kids have a very good sense of humor. This develops in a young age and their sense of humor is so rib tickling that you can’t help stop laughing. Some signs of good sense of humor that kids show are that they mimic their parents and make them laugh. They can also crack some weird gag that may be a “poor joke” but well tried according to their age.

6. Good computer skills

Gifted kids are seen showing plenty of interest in handling computer and have a good typing speed on the keyboard. Well, a good amount of knowledge is required to know the right way to handle computer, but a blessed kid can easily understand all the functions and become very tech savvy.

7. Wizard at mathematics

Your kid, if gifted with a smart brain can be a wizard at mathematics. He would show deep interest in number and would be getting very good grades in maths. The multiplication table is on their finger tips and they can do the addition and subtraction at the drop of a hat.

8. Very creative

Intelligent kids normally take interest in extracurricular activities. They are either good dancers or crooners. Some of them can paint like a prodigy and make the onlookers awestruck with their painting. So the gifted kids have some inherent talent which needs to be admired and boosted up.

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