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Debunking cloth diapering myths

There has always been a conflict between cloth and disposable diapers. Disposable diapers may be good but in the long run, cost-wise and hygiene-wise, cloth diapers are the best. Here are some myths that mothers commonly have about cloth diapers.

Myth # 1: You have to toilet-dunk

Disposable diapers do not need to be dunked. And in case of cloth diapers, you need to do so. The unknown fact is that you should not dispose the human waste from any diaper before you are disposing it off.

Myth # 2: Cloth diapers do not keep your baby dry

It is a myth that is advertised for disposable diapers that “a dry baby is a clean baby”. The actual fact is that these diapers make use of a super-absorbing chemical polyacrylate, which makes them dry. You have to change your child’s cloth diaper as he/she soil it but these super-absorbent diapers enable you to change them less frequently. With cloth diapers, it is easy to know when your baby need a change, at the same time it gets potty trained sooner as it feels when it wets itself. Also the gel in disposables tends to absorb moisture from your kid’s skin making it harsh.

Myth # 3: You have to change cloth diapers more often

With the use of disposable diapers, your baby gets changed less frequently. A study says that regardless of the diaper type, your baby gets diaper rash. The frequency will be less and the consequences would be less severe, if diapers get changed often. It is a common sense that all parents should follow; to change their kid’s diaper when it wets itself.

Myth # 4: Cloth diapers smell

Cloth diapers smell better than disposable diapers. It is a fact that disposable diapers smell far worse than cloth diapers.

Myth # 5: Cloth diapering is more difficult

If you can go for diaper laundry once in two to three days which is less difficult than dressing your baby in a diaper each time it soils itself and make you run to the store to get disposables. To avoid running out of diapers, use doublers as a substitute for diapers while you get your laundry done. Truly speaking, you never get out for diapers. Make sure you do not have to leave your room looking for diapers.

Myth # 6: You have to use diaper pins

Most mothers love the pining art that gives the quaint appearance as well as snugly fits your baby but some are frightened of it. If you are scared of pins then now you do not need to worry as you can get Velcro and Snap fitted diapers that can be replaced with disposables. It is easy to wear and remove at the same time getting rid of the fear of getting hurt by pins.

Myth # 7: Cloth diapering is more expensive

Cloth diapers actually save your money. Disposable diapers cost you an average of $1000-$2000 in the course of your child’s years of diapering, whereas cloth diapers cost around $150-$300. Another big advantage of cloth diapers is that you can use them again and again and also for your other children. The water and electricity usage is negligible while a disposable needs more water in comparison to the cloth ones.

Myth #8: Cloth diapers are bulky

The fact is that disposables have wraps that fit snugly and have three-folded covers in the middle. This is not the case with a cloth diaper. It is the trimmest in comparison to any disposable diaper. Hence cannot be bulky even if gets wet.

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