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A-Z Christmas symbols

In order to instill the feeling of religiousness in your kid and develop his or her sense of Christianity, there can be nothing more exciting and learning that using the alphabetical system. As he or she learns the English alphabets, the Christian terms will also be a part of the kid’s vocabulary. They can be Christian mythological characters, popular figures, traditions, celebrations, etc. Here are some of the Christian suggestions that you can associate with alphabets.

A for Angel

The angels are imaginary characters who are believed to be the messengers of God. These are spiritual beings who guard human beings against the evil and are predominantly female characters who are given the appearance of a woman but have wings as that of butterflies.

B for Bells

Bells have a close relationship with the Christmas day. Bells also signify the church bell. These cup shaped instruments jingle to gather Christians to the church on the eve of Christmas for midnight mass. These bells also indicate the hours of prayer in the church.

C for Carol

It is the religious song, sung on the eve of Christmas as well as on the very day of the Christmas too, in order to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a Christian festive song.

D for Decorations

This signifies the decorations one resolve into in order to adorn the church for the Christmas day celebration. It also indicates the decoration of the Christmas tree with all the things connected to the festival, including Santa Claus dolls, angels, bells, gifts, stars, etc.

E for Elves

Elves are supernatural characters who have a Anglo Saxon folklore origin. They are angels associated with romance and live in the forests, hills, wells, etc. Christian folklore says that they were originally maggots on the skin of Ymir’s body who were later given human form by God.

F for Fairy

These supernatural characters are legendary beings who have humanly appearance but have wings too. They are both demoniac as well as angelic.

G for Gifts

The presents that are exchanged during festivals and celebrations among the close ones as well as strangers as token of love and brotherhood are called gifts.

H for Hymns

Hymns are songs sung in the praise of God. They are sung for the purpose of praying and are addressed to a deity with a personalized form.

I for Icicles

Icicles are the solid structures formed when water gets frozen due to extremely low temperature. The formation of the icicles signify the onset of Christmas, which is held in the last quarter of December, when the major part of the world enjoys winters.

J for Jesus

Jesus or Jesus Christ is the major character of Christianity. He is believed to be the messenger of God incarnate who sacrificed his life for the good cause and rose from his grave.

K for Kris kringle ( alt name for Santa Claus)

This is the other name of Santa Claus, the most favorite Christian characters of children all over the world, who is known for his friendly and loving nature.

L for Light

It is the light of knowledge, positivity , honesty, morality and all the good virtues a human being must possess in order to be regarded as a true Christian.

M for Mistletoe

This is a religious plant of the Celtic origin. It was believed in Christianity that kissing the Mistletoe will initiate romanticism and marriage among the youth.

N for New Testament

This is the teachings of Jesus Christ compiled in a Christian religious text, known as New Testament. It is the second major canon of Christianity that deal with 1st century Christianity.

O for ornaments

All the jewelry that a man or a woman wears in order to adorn his or herself are the ornaments. The outward appearance of an individual is vital in Christianity, which feature simple dressing without glittery jewelry.

P for Poinsettia

This is another sacred plant according to Christianity, which bears beautiful red flowers in bunches. It embodies the birth of Jesus Christ and crucifixion.

Q for Quiet night

The silent night when Jesus Christ was born in the old stable of Bethlehem to Joseph and Mary is the special “Quiet night” in Christianity. Quite night signifies the mystic atmosphere on the occasion of the birth of Jesus.

R for Reindeer

These are the deers that pull the cart of Santa Claus as he comes to the earth on the eve of Christmas. These are mythical characters.

S for Santa

Santa is the most popular Christian mythical character who is mostly loved by the children. He is imagined to give every children gifts inside the socks they hand on the night before Christmas.

T for Tree

Tree is a simple plant in an apparent view. But the inherent meaning signifies the tree of knowledge. It also points out towards the Olive Tree that is considered as the most religious tree in Christianity.

U for Unity

This simple word helps in building up the sense of brotherhood and mutual faith and trust. It is the strength of unity on which the success of an institution, a country and everything else depends.

V for Virgin Mary

She was the mother of Jesus Christ who gave birth to this son of God in an old stable of Bethlehem. She was virgin but became mother by the will of the Almighty.

W for Wreaths

The necessary preparations for the birth of Jesus Christ is termed as wreaths. This signifies the advent season of Christmas and denote the huge ring of flowers, leaves, fruits, etc.

X for Xmas

This is another way of pronouncing Christmas, the major festival of the the Christians, which is celebrated all over the world to cherish the birth of Jesus Christ.
Y for Yule

Yule is a German word that means winter festival. Although this did not have a direct connection to Christianity initially but it got absorbed into the religion as Christian festival.

Z for Zwarte piet ( Santa’s helpers in Netherlands)

This term has its origin in Old Christian folklore. They are the companions of Santa Claus who are assigned with the task to amuse children and distribute candies and gifts among them.

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