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By the end of this century Arctic summer may be sans ice, says study

By the end of this century Arctic summer may be sans ice

The shocking repercussions of global warming are becoming more and more omnipresent, and Arctic seems to be the worst effected. As now there are vivid signs that its ice is melting faster than the earlier predications. This new finding has been released by a group of US researchers. The Arctic has been losing summer ice at about 9 per cent per decade, since 1979.

With each passing day situation is turning worse from bad and the latest observation and data collected from Arctic have clear evidence that if current level of ice melting continues than by the mid of this centaury Arctic summers would be ice-free. The same has also been confirmed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and they too have been urging to show more consideration toward the environment. If nothing is done on time then the world should be ready to face the catastrophic results.

Ted Scambos of the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) at the University of Colorado said:

Somewhere in the second half of the century Arctic summers could be ice-free. Some computer models show periods of great sensitivity where the Arctic ice system collapses suddenly, and that trend may occur a bit earlier; that’s the best guess, but exactly when it’s hard to say.

Dr Scambos has co-authored the latest study that has been published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. The same group of scientists has also said that after 1979 nearly half of the global warming is due to greenhouse gases and only mankind is to be blamed for raising the level of global warming to such an extant.

Source: BBC

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