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Are You Pregnant? TOP 5 Most Common Pregnancy Symptoms

TOP 5 Most Common Pregnancy Symptoms

During pregnancy, you can feel some changes in your body. These may result in a number of symptoms and if you feel something – it’s the best time to take a pregnancy test. Some women experience only a few symptoms, while others have several. If you believe you’re pregnant, use a home pregnancy test and visit your doctor. These symptoms might also be caused by other medical conditions, thus they do not always indicate pregnancy. In the later stages of pregnancy, a variety of physical changes may take place in your body.

What signs should I see?

  • Missed period. Missed menstruation is frequently the first indicator of a prospective pregnancy. A lot of women have mild bleeding at the start of their period;
  • Breast tenderness and enlargement. Breasts expand, swell, and become more sensitive. These changes are similar to what you may have seen in the days leading up to your period. During pregnancy, the skin around the nipple darkens and the veins in the breast become more prominent;
  • In the beginning of pregnancy, exhaustion can be overwhelming. The reason is progesterone. Progesterone is a hormone that slows down your metabolism, but this hormone is especially important for the egg implantation in the uterus and further growth. Don’t forget yourself and get a good sleep and plenty of rest at the beginning of pregnancy. When the placenta has established itself effectively, around the fourth month of pregnancy, your energy levels should start to increase once more;
  • Urinating more often than usual, especially at night. Pregnancy produces a rise in bodily fluid levels as well as increased renal efficiency. The bladder may be pressed by the growing uterus. As a result, most women notice increased urine within the first few weeks after being pregnant;
  • Cravings aversion to foods you normally enjoy, and a sour or metallic taste (dysesthesia) that persists even when you’re not eating. When you crave food, especially during pregnancy, you suddenly want dairy products that are rich in calcium and energy. Also, you can also have a sudden dislike for things you used to enjoy.
  • Women are surprised to know that spotting or light bleeding can be an early sign of pregnancy. This is often called implantation bleeding because doctors think it occurs when a fertilized egg attaches (or implants) to the lining of the uterus. This is different from bleeding that can occur, such as a miscarriage – which is usually more severe.

When should a pregnancy test be done?

It is usually recommended that you take a pregnancy test after a missed period. This is because pregnancy tests measure your levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a

hormone that begins to form when you become pregnant. From the first day of your last period, it may take three to four weeks for your body to have enough hCG to show up on the test.

Do you think you are pregnant? Take a home pregnancy test. If it is positive, go to the doctor for a urine and blood test and an ultrasound scan. Many symptoms of fatigue, absence of menstruation or nausea can occur due to stress or illness, not only from pregnancy.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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