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8 Toddler friendly Christmas Menu

Toddler friendly Christmas Menu

In the Christmas time, words like holiday, gifts, feasts etc automatically start ringing in our head. And it does not matter as to what age or city one belongs to. It is the time to make merry! Everyone likes to celebrate Christmas in his own special way, and this is something that makes the festival so very special. For some, Christmas is the time to exchange presents, for others, it is an opportunity to spend time with their family. As for children, it is the time to dig into their choice of sumptuous foods and treats.

However, while Christmas gives you a chance to put on your chef’s hat and prepare some traditional delights, it does not ensure that your choice of menu will be loved by your kids as well. A traditional feast might be a bit too much for toddler taste buds. So the best thing is to modify your recipes in a way that they can be savored by both adults and children. This will not only help you host a healthier feast, but will also save you some unnecessary effort. So here is a list of some measures that you can take while cooking your Christmas meal to make your menu suitable for toddlers:

Make a healthy choice

Kids can be molded in whichever way their parents want to see them grow. This Christmas, treat your kids with some healthy foods. Parents can prepare lean chicken, turkey or skinless ham without using too much calorie stuffing. Most of the kids abhor fatty stuffs in their food. So this could be one good habit for keeps.

Cut out on extra salt

In case of children, too much salt can weaken their bone density as well as stunt growth. So it is better to explore other options in order to make up for the salt that lends a dish its flavor. You may limit the salt content by using more of healthier herbs such as onion, garlic, sesame seeds etc in your turkey or chicken.

Go oil-free

Oil preparations are not kid-friendly. So you must try avoiding oil in your dishes. Oil-free foods can make a better snack or meal than their oily counterparts. However, if the recipe does demand oil, one can use small proportions of olive or canola oil. You can also go oil-free by using a non-stick pan whenever you cook. Also, cut out the visible fat from ham and remove the skin off turkey and chicken to lower their fat content.

Seafood on the menu

Take a dive into the ocean and add seafood to your Christmas menu. Apart from tasting good, sea foods like calamari, lobsters and sea cod can prove to be a good source of proteins which can be easily digested by kids. According to health professionals, seafood can be given to children above 6 months of age. But predatory fish such as swordfish, sea perch, marlin, broadbill and shark tend to have built-up mercury in them and are therefore not recommended for small children. Fish that can be given to toddlers include bream, salmon, rainbow trout, ocean trout, whiting, flathead, tuna, and kingfish.

Sauce it up

To add a zing to your dishes, you can experiment with low-salt tomato sauce by adding some low-fat mayonnaise to it. The concoction of two tastes great with seafood. You may also try cranberry sauce, fat-free tartar sauce or a mild mustard such as Dijonnaise to enhance the flavors in your feast.


Say bye to booze

Make this Christmas alcohol free for your kids. Avoid putting alcohol in food, since the amount of alcohol that remains in a dish after it is cooked can’t really be measured. Look for other alternatives for flavoring your food. Also, keep your kids away from rum balls, rum-soaked fruitcakes and other uncooked foods which may contain alcohol. It will certainly be a start of a good habit!

Roast the veggies

Boiled vegetables lose their nutritional value. Having said that, it is time you start roasting your vegetables. It may take a little extra time to cook, but the end result would definitely be tastier, healthier and the best your kids would want to have.

Fruit desserts

As an alternative to all the preservative packed ice creams and yoghurts that you get in the market, it would be nice that you prepare your own fresh fruit desserts this Christmas. Fruits like apples, oranges, watermelons and bananas are very good for kids. You may cut them into interesting shapes or make fruit skewers to encourage your toddlers to eat fruits.

In a nutshell, a toddler friendly Christmas menu will let you and your kids relish the meal together on the table. Good habits are difficult to cultivate, so you must take the first step. Just believe in the good living, and treat your kids with healthy yet tasty foods this Christmas. Bon appetite!

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