6 coworking space design ideas to enhance creativity

coworking space

Coworking spaces are very popular now, with companies and individuals preferring to make use of spaces which are already designed as offices. It is a service which is being offered by many around the world. If you’re in the business of providing a coworking space for people, then your space has to be designed well, have all the facilities and is conducive to productivity. Take a look at these ideas to enhance your coworking space design:

6 coworking space design ideas to boost creativity

Make it comfortable

Make it comfortable

The first aspect of an office design is comfort, as it is known that people are at their most creative when they have a comfortable seating and environment. Your space should promote a sense of ownership so that people who work there can be more productive. The space should be such that the people working there do not feel others intrude upon their space, and yet feel the sense of working amidst others in a harmonious manner.



A coworking space design should boost creativity. To make this possible, install cool lighting, as there have been many studies which have found there exists a connection between color, light and space in the work environment benefiting creativity.

For initial ideation and conceptualizing design, office lighting plays a big role. Warm lighting is conducive to social behavior which sparks discussions and participation among employees. Therefore, warm lighting is best for common areas as well as discussion spaces.

In contrast, cool lighting inspires hyper productivity leading to a creative workspace, which makes it useful for brainstorming sessions. Your coworking space ideally should have different lighting for different outcomes. You might install lights with dimmers which can make the various spaces multi-functional.

Free flowing design

Free flowing design

Innovative thinking is highly sought after in every field of work, as consumers are constantly seeking new experiences, inventions and upgrades. Any individual or company which hopes to make a mark has to come up with original, creative concepts. To do this, the coworking space design should be designed in a way that individuals can freely move around according to their needs. They should be able to sit together and discuss, and then move into a space of their own where they can meditate on the ideas to bring them to a concrete form.

Offer chairs and tables which have wheels to move around. Provide a lot of whiteboards and digital display spaces to encourage sharing of ideas. One of the best ways to boost creativity in the coworking space design is to have portable screens, which can be used to create individual spaces when workers need to focus on their own. Glass portable partitions too would be great as this would allow natural light flow through the whole office.

The placement of storage cabinets and table should be carefully thought out, so that they are non-obtrusive and do not create a hindrance to free movement. There should not be permanent physical silos which will be a hassle for fluidity, and workers/employees should not feel that they are chained to the workstations.

Incorporate nature into your design

Incorporate nature into your design

Natural elements have been found to reduce stress and inspire more productivity. A coworking space design which is a powerful creative workspace, should include nature in the form of organic shapes, textures and soothing colors inspired by the outdoors. This would become a space which is relaxing, allowing employees/workers to expand their original thinking.

Many studies have found that incorporating biophilic design or nature-inspired design help to de-stress even in highly challenging job situations. Potted plants, woven baskets, paintings which have intertwining as well as curved lines and other nature inspired accessories will create an environment which leads to creative thinking. Workstations should be near huge glass windows where people can absorb the sunrays and work in natural light.

The roof can be transformed into a wonderful rooftop garden where workers can step out and relax. The lobby or balcony should also be a comfortable, beautiful space which is easily accessible and reminds one of nature.


The right colors

The right colors can subconsciously improve the morale and productivity levels. There should be different colors in different areas of the office. You should give time and a lot of thought while selecting the color for your workspace.

To encourage energy and enthusiasm, you can choose from the tones of red, which will invigorate the workers and maintain their energy levels.

Whereas, cool colors such as green or blue will amplify creativity, relaxation and thought. In your coworking space  design, the walls should be painted according to the function of the space. In areas meant for group discussions, the wall color can be of warm tones, and in the areas meant for quiet thinking, the color can be in shades of green or blue.

Facilitate healthy eating

Facilitate healthy eating

The kitchen is an important part of the coworking space. There is an awareness for healthy eating in many employees/workers, and they no longer are happy with microwave meals, or buying junk food. The kitchen should have at least one oven, stove tops, ample counter space where they can prepare a fresh meal or make a quick salad. This will improve health and there will be less employee absenteeism or loss of work due to health problems leading from poor eating habits.

There should be a big fridge, enabling coworkers to store their water bottles. Encourage people not to use plastic disposable by providing ceramic or clay or steel cutlery, which they can use many times during the day.

A sink to wash their own mugs and plates can be incorporated too. You can can invest in a breakroom office water dispenser to cut down on the use of plastic bottles.

Your coworking space will be in great demand if you have a kitchen which promotes healthy eating. The kitchen in your coworking space  design should be carefully planned with comfortable seating, cheerful lighting and eco-friendly accessories.

The coworking space  design should enhance creativity, in a group or individually. If you are renting out the space to different individuals, then you could think about adding a recreation room for singing/karaoke or dancing, sky lounge and even a bathroom with a luxurious bath in it. A refreshing break will help to come back to work with renewed vigor and come up with groundbreaking ideas.

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