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5 Tips for mother: Coping with Colic

One of the most dreadful nightmares for any new parent is a baby suffering from colic pain. Colic pain is common in babies less than five months of age. One of the most common signs to know a colic baby is if your little one cries inconsolably for three hours at a stretch on three or more days of a week for nearly three weeks. Remember, having colic doesn’t mean that your baby is suffering from a disease. Also, it does not lead to any harmful consequences, but yes it is definitely tough for a new born and his/her parents.

There is no particular proven reason why babies suffer from colic. Usually it is observed that when baby cries inconsolably due to pain, the baby swallows more air which leads to accentuation of excess gas. The initial pain arises due to immature digestive track that develops gas given the inefficient breaking down of enzymes.

There is no cure for colic pain. You need to be patient and discover a proper remedy to soothe your baby. Ensure your baby’s surroundings are comfortable and he/she has you around all the time. Here is a list of five tips that can be implemented to ease your baby’s discomfort and help you out.

1. Assure your baby in every possible way

Have a lot of physical contact with the baby. Try feeding your baby in a calm and soothing environment. Make sure your feeding posture is correct. The baby must be fed in an upright position and must be burped often. Feed your baby in an upright position and burp him often. By doing so, the air bubbles inside your baby’s tummy will reduce. Also, if your baby naturally takes break between a feed, take that opportunity to burp her to release the gas.

2. Check the bottle if your baby is on formula milk

It’s very important that the bottle you use to feed the baby doesn’t contribute to taking in more air. The more air she swallows while feeding increases her chances of developing pain. Pick bottles that are designed specifically to reduce air intake. Some have curved nipples and some have internal liners and vents that help in removing air bubbles from the liquid, thus allowing a smooth flow.

3. Change formula milk or change your diet if breast feeding

Though formula milk might not be a major factor in making your baby colic, but it is worth a try. Check with your doctor and get a formula milk that does not contain cow’s milk protein. Some people say that mother’s consumption of certain food items can develop colic pain in the baby. So if your baby is suffering from colic pain, avoid dairy products. By doing so, you will reduce the impact of cow milk protein in your milk. If even this doesn’t work, try some trial and error methods by changing your food and observing your baby’s reaction to it. Agreed, that the process is cumbersome, but this will help your baby to not cry any further and so it’s worth it!

4. Try natural or alternate remedies to relive pain

There could be many tried and tested natural remedies to relieve babies from colic pain. People give some weak herbal tea leaves which contain fennel, anise, dill, peppermint and chamomile which could help reduce the pain. Some mothers who breast feed say that by consuming herbal tea themselves, their babies showed signs of relief.Some parents also give gripe water or gas relieving drops to their babies. However, be sure to consult your doctor before you try any of the above mentioned alternate remedy.

5. Swaddle, massage and create a congenial atmosphere

For some babies, swaddling helps. By wrapping your baby, you are making an attempt to keep her cozy and comfortable just like the way she was inside your womb. This could enable him to sleep well. Swaddle him before he develops the colicky period or even before you put him to sleep. Massage and exercising is also a good way to ease some colic pain in babies. Rub her back and try to release any gas. With babies back on your stretched legs, fold your baby’s legs towards her chest without bending her knees. This would create pressure on baby’s tummy and release any excess gas. Change the surroundings when your baby has colic attack. Play music to sooth her; take her for a drive to provide change of environment. This could help her go to sleep as well. Sometimes, it also helps to place a warm cloth on her tummy or give a warm bath. Remember to create a routine with the baby. Coping with colic is tough but do not forget to hold her, rock her, cuddle her and make some sweet whispers to her while she is crying. Just be there for her and this phase will soon pass.

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