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5 Reasons Businesses Still Opt for Printed Marketing 

Reasons Businesses Still Opt for Printed Marketing 

Printed media has often been threatened by emerging digital media. However, many consumers still opt for printed marketing over digital marketing because of the various benefits print media provides.

Print marketing was thought to have lost its essence, however, over the past few years, people, especially businesses have realized print marketing is much better than digital marketing. Here are the top reasons why print marketing still rules over digital marketing.

1.      Print Marketing Is Effective

Many people still believe that printed advertisements are much more effective than digital ads. The major reason behind this is that digital advertising can be ignored very easily. People often skip social media ads, or their emails are often filtered as spam.

People fear clicking on online banner advertisements because they are often malicious or contain viral content. Printed ads manage to grasp the interest of the readers.

2.      Print Marketing Is Long Lasting

Printed marketing is more long-lasting than digital marketing. When a company gets its ads printed in newspapers and magazines, it has a greater chance that its ads will be seen for years to come.

Some people like to save old newspapers and magazines. Whenever they open that edition, they can review the ads. On the other hand, digital ads are for a limited time slot. Once the time is over, publishers or social media sites simply remove the ad from the platform.

3.      Print Marketing Creates Impression

Printed advertisements create a better impression on consumers as compared to digital advertisements. As mentioned earlier, digital ads are often ignored by internet users. Sometimes digital media content is malicious, contains a virus, or is categorized as spam. Therefore, people usually avoid clicking on digital advertising banners.

On the other hand, if you have printed banners, indoor or outdoor, from printing companies like Printmoz, you stand a better chance of making a lasting impression on consumers. People will read flyers or banners more easily than clicking on an online ad.

4.      Print Media Has A Larger Consumer Base

Ever since digital marketing took over by storm, businesses thought that digital platforms would be more effective than print media. However, the majority of consumers still believe that reading on paper is much better than reading from a screen. This makes print media more relevant than digital media. Print Media still has a wider consumer base.

Most people would buy a hard copy of a magazine rather than pay a premium subscription to online magazines. Secondly, many people still do not have access to the Internet. If a business wants to hit a specific market, print media is still a better option than digital media.

5.      Print Media Allows Better Information Retention

Information that we read on paper is retained in our brains as compared to what we read or see on digital platforms. The major reason is that digital platforms have multiple triggers. There is a lot of information that can trigger all our senses. This can cause anxiety among many internet users.

Printed magazines provide no additional browsing option other than what is present in the reader’s hands. This allows the reader to retain all the information they read in a printed magazine.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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