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3 Reasons To Be a Social Worker

3 Reasons To Be a Social Worker

Social work is a rewarding profession that can improve many people’s lives. That could be one individual, or it could be entire families, or perhaps even whole communities. If you are a social worker, you can have a major positive impact on the world and truly change people’s lives for the better.

However, there is a lot of responsibility when it comes to having a career in social work, and it might not be an idea people are entirely sure about. If that sounds like you, keep reading to discover some of the best reasons to be a social worker.

1.      To Help People in Need

One of the biggest reasons to become a social worker is to help people in need. You’ll have a rare opportunity to make a big difference in people’s lives, and turn a situation that might have been seen as being negative into one that is much more positive. Plus, you can help all members of society, from children through to the elderly, and everyone in between.

If you’re wondering what does a social worker do to help these people, the answer is a lot. There could be support given by you to someone who needs assistance, you might be an advocate for someone, or perhaps you can gain access to resources that can give people a second chance in life (and there is much more besides this as well). The result, no matter what it is you might need to do, should always aim to be a positive outcome for those involved.

2.      There is a Variety of Career Options

No one wants to get stuck in a job and not know what to do next. This can lead to depression and stress, and it will make your life miserable in general; after all, we spend so much time at work that it needs to be atruly positive environment.

With social work, you’ll have a variety of career options, so if you do find you have reached a turning point, you don’t have to start all over again—you can just look for a different branch of what you’re currently doing.

It also means that there is a lot of choice right from the start, so you can do plenty of research and come up with a branch of social work that is just right for you and what you want to achieve. Some different types of social work include mental health, general healthcare, working in schools, and helping with child welfare, among many other pathways.

3.      You Will Enjoy Job Security

In many professions there is a worry that, thanks to AI and machine learning, jobs will disappear. This can lead to a worry about job security and again, that can lead to mental health issues. At the very least, it could mean that people don’t put as much effort into their work, which can cause them to feel as though they just aren’t needed or appreciated.

With social work you’re not going to feel this way. This is actually a growing area, with more and more people needing the help of a good social worker. There is much demand for social workers, so rather than having to be worried about whether or not your job will exist in the future, you can instead focus on your own personal and career development, safe in the knowledge that your job is secure.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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