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Why a Fireplace Will Make Your Home Feel Cozier

Why a Fireplace Will Make Your Home Feel Cozier

If you don’t enjoy spending too much time in the house, you might be overdue for an interior design upgrade. The source of the problem could be anything, including décor that wasn’t really your choice, uncomfortable furniture, or just a lack of that home sweet home feeling. Whatever it is, getting a fireplace just might help.

A fireplace is considered by many to be the ultimate in décor because it can create an immediate sense of sophistication and calm in any home. If you find yourself rushing to your bedroom after work, not wanting to stay in the kitchen to cook a decent meal, or not spending any time in your living room, you might just need to add a little more visual appeal to your space.

It’s all about the ambiance

While it’s true that a traditional fireplace will add a little bit of literal warmth to your home, it’s not so much the actual heat that creates a cozy environment; it’s also the ambiance. A fireplace can make any room in the house feel like the best place to be, especially during the winter.

Your home’s ambiance can make you feel a variety of emotions, and the good news is you’re in total control of the feelings you create in your house. Part of creating a welcoming ambiance involves good visuals, but it can involve auditory and olfactory stimulation, too.

A fireplace actually encompasses all of these senses, from the beautiful fiery flames (or fake flames) to the sounds and smells of crackling, burning wood. Imagine coming home after a long day at work and tossing some logs on the fire, hearing it crackle and smelling that fir or maple wood burning. For many people, that’s one of the most relaxing experiences and it’s why they fall asleep easily reading on the couch next to the fire.

A fireplace can set the scene for a relaxing evening

Whether you choose to relax alone, with your partner, or a friend, having a fireplace sets the right scene for a relaxing time. There’s nothing better than curling up in a comfy recliner or stretching out on the couch with a warm blanket, a pillow, and a good book or Netflix.

When you get to relax at the end of the day, you’re giving your body the rest it needs to recover while you sleep so you can get up and do it all again the next day. 

Fireplaces are impressive

While it’s important to make sure your home feels good to you, it also pays to consider your guests as well. Do you bring people over for weekends or do you host company parties? Do you hold meetings with clients? If you’re bringing other people into your home on a regular basis, having a fireplace can go a long way to creating a favorable impression of your home.

For example, if you meet with clients in your office, taking them on a tour of your home through the living room can create a positive impression if your aesthetics look good. Even a brief look at your fireplace will make your home feel warmer and more inviting, even if there is no fire going. This has the power to create a favorable outcome for your business ventures.

A fireplace doesn’t need to burn real wood to make you feel good

Once you recognize the benefits of having a fireplace in your home, you might feel disappointed if you can’t get one installed. Sometimes, homeowners’ associations (HOAs) and city laws prohibit fireplaces and wood stoves, and if you’re living in an apartment or renting a home, you may not even have the option.

Thankfully, you have other options. You can get a fireplace that doesn’t burn real wood. These are known as electric fireplaces and they are often better because unlike a traditional fireplace that doesn’t produce much usable heat, an electric one can actually heat your home. They’re also visually appealing with fake flames that light up from LED lights of varying colors.

Don’t just long for that cozy feeling you see in magazines

There’s a reason greeting cards and advertisements always feature images of people cozying up to the fire – it elicits a familiar, comfortable feeling. However, when you have a fireplace at home, you won’t have to settle for a vicarious experience because you’ll have the real deal instead.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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