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What to Expect During Your First Day at the Rehab

What to Expect During Your First Day at the Rehab

Starting a new chapter in life can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to addiction recovery. If you’ve decided to seek help through a rehab program, congratulations on taking the first step towards a healthier life. But what should you expect during your first day at rehab? In this post, we’ll walk you through what typically happens on your first day in rehab to help you feel more prepared.

1.   Intake and Assessment

The first step on your first day at rehab is usually intake and assessment. This is where you will meet with a counselor or intake specialist who will ask you a series of questions to get to know you better and assess your individual needs. They will also ask you about your drug or alcohol use, your medical history, and any mental health conditions you may have.

2.   Create a Plan

This information will be used to create an individualized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and goals. Be honest and open during this process to ensure you receive the best possible care.

3.   Orientation and Tour

After the intake and assessment process, you will typically receive a tour of the facility and an orientation to the program. The staff will explain the daily schedule, rules and regulations, and what you can expect during your stay.

You’ll also be given information about the different types of therapy and treatment modalities offered at the rehab center. This will help you understand what to expect during your stay and how you can best participate in your treatment.

4.   Medical Checkup

Your first day at rehab may also involve a medical checkup to assess your overall health and well-being. Depending on the facility, you may receive a physical exam, lab work, and drug and alcohol screenings.

This is important to ensure that any underlying medical conditions are addressed, and your detox process is medically supervised. The medical team will also prescribe any necessary medication to manage your withdrawal symptoms.

5.   Meeting Your Treatment Team

You’ll likely have the opportunity to meet with members of your treatment team during your first day at rehab. This may include a therapist, counselor, physician, and other staff members who will be involved in your care.

Your treatment team will work together to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and voice any concerns you may have during these initial meetings.

6.   Settling In

Once you’ve completed your intake, assessment, orientation, and medical checkup, it’s time to settle in. You’ll be shown to your room or living quarters, where you can unpack and get comfortable.

Most rehab centers provide basic necessities like bedding and toiletries, but you may want to bring some personal items to make your room feel more like home. This could include family photos, books, or a favorite blanket.

7.   Getting to Know Your Peers

Rehab is a communal experience, and you’ll be living and working alongside other people who are also on the path to recovery. You’ll likely have the opportunity to attend group therapy sessions or other activities with your peers, which can be a great way to get to know them and build a support network.

It’s important to remember that everyone in rehab is there for the same reason, and you’ll likely find that you have a lot in common with your peers. Building a support network during your time in rehab can be incredibly valuable as you work towards recovery. Learn more at americas rehab campuses.

8.   Begin Your Treatment

After settling in and getting to know your peers, it’s time to start your treatment. Depending on the rehab center, you may start therapy sessions or attend group meetings on your first day.

It’s important to stay engaged and participate fully in your treatment. Remember, rehab is a process, and the more effort you put in, the more you’ll get out of it.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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