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TikTok Growth Strategy: How Brands Can Grow on TikTok Now

TikTok Growth Strategy How Brands Can Grow on TikTok Now

If you are building a TikTok growth strategy, it’s worth noting that you are a part of thousands of other social media brands fighting for online attention. TikTok users are highly selective of which content deserves their attention, and most usually don’t make the cut. As a brand, you must create content that connects with the audience to grow. To learn more about how to increase your following on TikTok and grow your brand’s page, visit this organic TikTok growth website, and you’ll see that it is quite easy.
That said, here are other ideas on how you can grow your brand on TikTok.

1.  Be Authentic

To stand out on TikTok, you have to deliver authentic content. Avoid posting content that sounds like a sales pitch. TikTok users want to be informed or engaged and not sold to. Spend time on TikTok to find content that may inspire you on what you should share. TikTok videos that have corporate or fancy edits may alienate users.

2.  Boost High-Performing Content

Once you’ve grasped the type of content your audience loves, boost the content to leverage your brand’s profile. TikTok has an ad feature that allows users to boost existing videos quickly. Paid TikTok ads will ensure further brand growth by increasing the visibility of your paid content-defined audience.

3.  Join TikTok Trends

Before you upload content on TikTok, go through the app’s Discover page to ensure your content is similar to the day’s trends or Hashtags. A brand that effectively uses these trending videos or hashtags experiences enormous growth and increased brand perception.

Trends will work for your brand’s growth since the algorithm show it to more users. However, remember that the worse-performing videos on the trend or content that joins the trend much later can easily get lost and result in less exposure. Just don’t do a trend for the sake of it. Own the conversation and hop in at the right time.

4.  Build a Strong Brand Identity

Success narrows down to testing and learning. When looking for ways to grow your brand on TikTok, you should experiment with various content styles to see what works for your brand and what doesn’t.

After finding a successful content style, build on them and ensure that your TikTok page consists of the type of content you want to be known for. This is because if you create a hit video, the users will likely visit your page to try to look for more similar content. A content series will ensure your audience is always coming back for more and also takes away the pressure of you planning new content for every post.

5.  Go Live

This is one way you can build a human connection for your brand. TikTok’s live feature allows content creators to connect with their audience directly through Livestream. Once you are live, the app pushes a notification to your followers and pins the stream at the top of their page.

Going live will make you stand out on TikTok and make your content authentic. Take this time to answer commonly asked questions, thank your followers, and engage with them. Schedule the live stream to ensure you build a community. Additionally, you could have interviews on the live stream, tutorials, showcase behind-the-scene videos, or have informal hangout sessions.


TikTok algorithm is constantly changing. However, these essential tips on how to grow your brand on the platform remain constant. The platform can be a goldmine for brands, and by following the mentioned tips, you will turn your audience into followers and customers within no time.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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