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Ping Lamp lets you know when the better half is thinking of you

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It’s just a very normal fact, when you are thinking of someone, most of the time the same person too is thinking of you, especially if he or she is your better half. However, it’s not always that you know of it. But, the Ping Lamp will let you know whenever your adorable thinks of you. The Ping Lamp is just one lamp divided in two halves that intimate communication over distance with Wi-Fi. Whenever one user switches the lamp, the other user will see the lamp glow, telling you that somebody is missing you. The other user too can revert back by switching on the lamp, and when both the ends are on, the lamps glow to full capacity. Pretty impressive, each one should have one to know when you are being missed by someone.

ping lamp

Ping: Connected lamps from Studio Sophisti on Vimeo.

Via: Gizmodo

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