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Innovative Therapies in Addiction Treatment: Evidence-Based Practices That Make a Difference

Innovative Therapies in Addiction Treatment Evidence-Based Practices That Make a Difference

It is not just about modern medicines and counseling sessions. Although these are more traditional forms of therapy, it doesn’t necessarily imply they are not working. However, allowing innovative and new-age treatment alongside the traditional approach is doing wonders for a patient.

Recovery time is increasing, and relapse rates are decreasing. The reason is customization and personalization of treatment, which is now made possible because of modern innovations. Going through any kind of substance detoxification and rehabilitation process is difficult on its own. Thus, the addition of an innovative method that caters to individual preferences is making the process a little easier.

In this excerpt below, we will discuss a few such evidence-based, innovative practices recently introduced to addiction treatment. Fortunately, these have been able to yield results helping many towards their journey of sobriety.

Innovative Therapies In Addiction Treatment

Needless to say, AI is now everywhere. Although they have been called a blessing and a curse, innovation, and technology are definitely a major blessing if they are helping patients with their addiction treatment.

Contingency Management Therapy

Until even two decades ago, addiction therapies were all about creating an aversion towards the substance. Although it has brought results, initially, the patients didn’t see the benefits. Of course, nicotine and narcotics are bad for someone’s health, but the patients heavily dependent on these substances are throwing a blind eye to them.

So, what should be done about it?

This was when psychologists reserving on addiction therapies brought the concept of contingency management therapy. This form of therapy uses rewards as a weapon to keep the patients on the sober path.

These include sobriety goals (…for example, being sober for 29th days straight means they can leave the inpatient treatment facility and go back home). This is a much more goal-oriented approach that doesn’t leave the patient in an air of suspense. Rather explains the lifestyle rewards they will be achieving upon achieving a goal.

Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic Motivation

Initially, addiction treatment was all about bringing motivation externally with the help of family, friends, and health professionals. However, this form of intrinsic motivation therapy encourages intrinsic motivation (the motivation that comes from within).

With the help of an interviewing method of therapy, the counselor will question the patient about their motivation for leaving addiction. Intrinsic motivation is generally long-term and more effective in preventing relapses for patients.

Mindfulness Holistic Treatment

This treatment doesn’t treat the mind and body separately but examines it as a whole. This helps patients be attuned to the moment rather than think. Rather than getting overwhelmed by the highly simulated environment. Because that is what they will be dealing with once they are outside the inpatient residential facility.

Hyperactivity disorder is a side effect of addiction, and many treatment facilities introduce meditation, aroma therapy, and art therapy as a form of treatment. Other mindful activities like yoga and vigorous cardio can also act as a distraction during sensitive periods of post-recovery withdrawal symptoms.

Virtual Reality Treatment

Virtual Reality Treatment

With innovative technologies, therapists are now able to introduce virtual reality as a form of treatment. This is very effective with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, where patients are taught to understand and cope with their triggers.

Another treatment method is making someone numb to that trigger through overexposure, which is very much possible through virtual reality treatment. For example, if someone is dealing with hyperstimulation in a crowded party, then VR goggles can imitate the scenario. Under the supervision of a professional, one can learn healthy coping mechanisms.

Innovation With Addiction – Benefits Of It

Innovation in addiction treatment offers numerous benefits that revolutionize the recovery landscape:

  • Modern approaches promote understanding and reduce stigma, encouraging more individuals to seek help.
  • Advanced analytics and early intervention strategies can identify at-risk individuals, preventing addiction before it takes hold.
  • Ongoing innovations drive continuous improvement in addiction treatment, making it more effective and responsive to evolving challenges.
  • Virtual platforms and mobile apps widen treatment access, especially for remote or underserved populations.

Health professionals and family members have long received the epiphany that simply telling a patient of addiction that something is bad for them is not enough. Sometimes you have to start speaking in their language.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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