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Feng Shui in your home promises health and prosperity: Do you believe?

Feng shui is believed to improve life of human beings by receiving positive energies which is also known as “Qi” in Chinese philosophy. Qi which is pronounced as ‘chi’ in English has a vital role to play in Feng shui, which denotes a motile positive or negative life force. It is an ancient system of chinese aesthetics practiced among the Chinese people using the laws of both heaven and earth.

Feng shui relied on astronomy alone until the invention of magnetic compass. Apart from that the main Feng shui tools used to analyze the energy of an environment is called Bagua.

Today, Feng Shui is no more restricted to China alone but has moved to western countries too. However, with the passage of time and its popularization in the West, much of the knowledge behind it has been lost in translation because of not paying proper attention. Feng shui has become an integral part in interior decoration, landscape ecologists, environmental science, architecture and for healthy living with the essence of positive energies being sprinkled in an individual’s life. Feng shui can also be harmful sometimes if not properly implied which could create negative energies in the environment. Many people consider Feng shui to be a superstitious scam but there are also people who believe in it as an important and prosperous way to lead a healthy life. For some people Feng shui is so important that they use it for healing purposes use it to guide their businesses and create a peaceful atmosphere in their homes. The practice of Feng Shui is therefore diverse and multi-faceted.

Some significant Feng shui concepts for your home are as follows:

1. There should be fresh air circulation in your bedroom so that positive energies could come in. Keep your windows open for at least 20 minutes once a day.

2. Never use a red sofa set in your home as the color red represents the element of fire and hence it could give rise to troubles, obstacles and heavy work pressures.

3. Do not place television sets, computers or any other audio/ video devices in your bedroom as it will destroy your mental peace and block the Qi to flow in the room.

4. Mirrors should not be placed anywhere you like specially opposite to your bed as it attracts negative forces and hence could attract a third party to your relationship.

5. Outside the main door of your house, do not place slippers or shoes lying around as the Chi will gather the smell of those slippers and bring sickness to the house.

6. Place a fish tank or a water fountain inside your home as water makes the positive energy stay or else the chi will be dispersed by the wind.

7. In the kitchen, opposite to your stove, ensure that there is no refrigerator, wash basin, washing machine or toilet as this could cause disagreements among family members.

8. In your bedroom, there should be no beam above the bed as it enables various pressures in one’s life.

9. To break the earth energies in your house, simply hang a six rod metal wind chime for good results.

10. To bring chi in the house, place fresh flowers in different corners of your home. Get rid of any dried flowers as they encourage negative energies and diminish the wealth of the house.

Feng shui could be considered as an amalgamation of both science and religion. It possesses an extraordinary amount of flexibility which can be turned skilfully to suit almost any situation or circumstances. Therefore, the following tips of Feng shui ideas could be useful in making a good home.

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